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Some RPG advice.

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  • Some RPG advice.

    As some of you may know, Section 3 sort of went off the reservation..and pretty much died. My mind is a restless thing, however, and I want some opinions on my next attempt (rather would play then run one..but ). Here (so far) are the ideas.

    Out of Time : The Illuminati found a way to travel through time. This has caused time to go crazy (Paradoxes). Now things are royally messed up. The characters would be from various time periods (including the future), but because of the chaos..only their minds travel...not bodies. Quantum Leap like..they will be thrust into various times as people/beings of that time..and try to fix whatever has went wrong. There is a twist however. Not only may it be a different time..since everything is borked..they could be thrown into stories (like Hound of the Baskervilles) as well! Can they straighten out time?! (Will be a wild mix of fantasy, scifi, post apocalyptic, survival horror..etc)

    Divide : Two armies have been at war for so long, they no longer remember when the war started..let alone why. On one side is the Kamar a feline race, on the other the Thith a reptilian race. There seems no end to the war until the alien race...invade. Characters would be from the Kamar or Thith..hoping to not only stop the war between the two, but throw out the invaders once and for all. (Modern Day type thing)

    Alliance : Eleven worlds make up the Alliance. Each populated by a different race of beings. Such a collection needs a police force to keep the peace between worlds. Though each world has a police force, the Galaxy Rangers are the interstellar version. Anybody who breaks the laws out in space OR on a planet they are not native to, answers to them. The characters could be from any of the eleven worlds, and will be members of the Rangers. (Science Fiction)

    Last but not least...

    Twilight of Peace: A dawn of war. Because of The Arena, and The Highlord, peace has reigned for 1000 years. The characters, just having graduated from training, are this years contestants in the Arena. Something unusual is going on, and it is up to the contestants to figure out what!

    Now, you do not have to be interested in playing, but I would like to know which sounds better
    Last edited by Mytical; 10-08-2011, 09:16 AM.
    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

  • #2
    This all sounds so cool. Too bad I'm not very creative/inventive. I could follow prompts.

    Eta: Divide sounds cool. Partly cause I could be a draconic sort of character (Thith I believe was reptilian).
    Last edited by dragon_wings; 10-08-2011, 06:34 PM.
    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


    • #3
      Thanks Dragon_Wings. Guess they are so boring that nobody else even wants to vote .
      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


      • #4
        Aww! Boo! It will be fun!
        Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
        Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


        • #5
          Alliance and Twilight of Peace sounds the best out of all of them. To me anyways.
          Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


          • #6
            I could get behind Alliance as well. You've got some great ideas Mytical.
            Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
            Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


            • #7
              Alliance is the only one without an 'end'. Out of time, divide, and Twilight all have a set goal. Once that goal is reached the game comes to a conclusion.

              I will give one more week for votes, then start one of them. See how it goes.
              Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


              • #8
                Alliance sounds fun. I'd vote that direction.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  Yeah I'd go with Alliance.
                  Still missing you, Plaid


                  • #10
                    Alliance reminds me of:


                    I'd pick Alliance 'cause I'm a sci fi nut.
                    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

