The doctors HAVE to disclose the possibilities. Like...side effects of a drug. Even though it's RARE that someone grows an extra toe, it happened and has to be disclosed. Rare weird stuff, yeah have to talk about it.
I've had mine done. Laproscopic and I was more stoned than I was in pain. The attacks were so much worse, it's disgusting. Get some easy to eat foods, low in fat, ok? Books to read. I was off work for about 3 days, then the weekend, back to work. Fine with me.
Use relaxation techniques now, and think - this is so common it's old hat for the doctors. They know what they're doing. I will be safe. I will be better soon. I will heal quickly.
I've had mine done. Laproscopic and I was more stoned than I was in pain. The attacks were so much worse, it's disgusting. Get some easy to eat foods, low in fat, ok? Books to read. I was off work for about 3 days, then the weekend, back to work. Fine with me.
Use relaxation techniques now, and think - this is so common it's old hat for the doctors. They know what they're doing. I will be safe. I will be better soon. I will heal quickly.