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Roommate FUBAR (advice please?)

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  • Roommate FUBAR (advice please?)

    Hi everyone

    So Hubby and I have a roommate. My dog is a clothing-chewer, and we talked about the issue. Roomie agreed to keep his door shut until he can get all this mountains of clothes into his closet.

    Well (as far as I know), roomie didn't do that. My dog chewed up his stanky jeans (that he left on the floor with the door open). I offered to pay for a replacement, but that wasn't good enough. Those jeans were apparently worth "$100" despite looking like they came from a thrift store.

    Next, roomie told us since he only has a "third of the apartment" he is only paying "a third of the bills" (um, nobody said you had to stay in your room, just keep your shat-upon pants off the floor or, here's an idea, LAUNDER THEM once in a while). Our agreement was to split the bills down the middle. Hubby freaked out, I told roomie we needed to talk about this because I was worried about Hubby's safety (hubby does have mental health problems and I thought he was going to self-harm).

    The end result is that by expressing my fears for my husband's safety, I was "manipulating" Roomie (using money as a weapon is apparently fine) and he told us we go or he goes. He went storming off to the leasing office to get things "taken care of" and when we followed him to figure out WTF he was telling them, ordered us to go inside and sign away our rights under the lease (meaning he gets to keep the apartment and the $1500 deposit we paid while tossing us out onto the

    He screamed at us that we are "liars and manipulators" and asked if we were "really going to fight him on this" in an incredibly hostile way when we said we weren't signing anything without talking to a lawyer. I should have called the cops but I didn't (I didn't want to escalate things further).

    I was so scared and shaking so hard I started packing a bag for a trip to a battered women's shelter, but my parents and hubby talked me out of it. We paid 2x the deposit he did despite making half as much, and he thinks he can just kick us out and keep the two bedroom apartment in a prime location all to himself. He makes more money, so that gives him all the power here. We can't pay all the bills ourselves. Also, did I mention we have been buying the food all month. He claimed to be "tapped out" after the move-in costs but he doesn't seem to have any trouble buying his weed (EDIT: we're in Colorado, so we can't just call the cops about said weed and get them to remove the parasite from our lives).

    So now what? We aren't even unpacked yet. Advice and virtual cookies welcome.

    PS the guy's a pothead and if he is going to use his money as a way to control us, I'm glad to be rid of him, but I'd rather not go back to living in hotels.
    Last edited by WishfulSpirit; 09-30-2015, 04:04 PM.
    "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek

  • #2
    Call the fucker's bluff. Tell him fine, you go. Either you pay half the bills as we agreed upon when we moved in, or you go find a new place. We will not be told what to do by a shiftless pothead.

    One of two things will happen. Either he will cave, which is my guess, since bullies like him are always weaklings inside, and fold when faced with strength, or he will up and leave. Even if he does that, it should be no problem filling his space with someone else, probably someone better.

    And stop paying for his food. Fuck that. Adults pay for their own damn food. My roommates eat my food, they fucking replace it. Period. Because they are not my children or dependents.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      I agree with Jester, call his bluff and stand your ground. I find it hard to believe that the rental office will go out their way to help him. Taking your account at face value, this roommate has already established himself as a problem tenant to be thrown out and under the bus at first opportunity.
      I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

      Who is John Galt?
      -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


      • #4
        I think it would be a good idea to check on the legal issues here. Maybe get a lawyer's advice if it doesn't cost too much. Also talk to the police, start a report and a paper trail. Yes, the guy's a dirtbag, but he could make your lives hell and you deserve protection.

        Prayers and best wishes for you and your husband.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          Well I sent him an email saying, essentially, "you're the one with the problem, YOU move out" (in more polite language). He's due home soon. We'll see what happens. We have the phone on the charger and a couple of bags packed in case things get ugly and we have to run. Cousin is taking us out to get a lock after Pothead gets home (that's so we can be here to support each other in case things get out of hand right when he arrives). I'll feel safer having a lock on the door.
          "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


          • #6
            Maybe you can compromise. Split the rent in half because it's 2 bedrooms, but the utilities split into thirds?
            Thank you for calling Card Services, how may I take your abuse today? ~Headset Hellion


            • #7
              If he decides to leave (no loss), talk to the leasing office and see if they're willing to give you and hubs a temporary break on the rent until you can find another roommate (and be sure to check references on anyone you consider). You can control utilities somewhat, without him there using his share of heat/water/lights. You're already buying all the food, but without him eating any of it, it would last longer.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                Question: Are all three of your names on the lease?


                • #9
                  Morgana, yes they are.
                  "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                  • #10
                    Then he can't force you out unless you let him. Of course, you can't force him out, either . . . But definitely talk to your landlord.

                    Do you have the financial split agreement in writing?


                    • #11
                      I think it's fair to split utilities three ways (you don't use less water just because you share a bedroom, after all), but since you and hubby share a room and he has his own, it might be fairer to split the rent based on square footage. (That's how my roommate and I did it; we calculated the cost per square foot, then we each paid for our bedroom plus half the rest. I had the bigger bedroom so I paid more. Then we split the utilities down the middle.) Though if the roommate makes more than you and hubby together, working out some other arrangement so that he pays a little more in rent and maybe you do more of the cleaning or something could work, as long as everyone agrees and keeps up their end of the deal.

                      Something to consider for future roommates, though, since it sounds like this one needs to go. If it's bad enough that you've considered calling the police and are packing a bag in case you need to leave quickly, then you need to do something.

                      You said you paid the deposit when you moved in? Did you all get the place together or were you there first and he moved in later? If the latter, that might work in your favor in trying to force him out. Something to bring up when talking to the landlord.
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post

                        And stop paying for his food. Fuck that. Adults pay for their own damn food. My roommates eat my food, they fucking replace it. Period. Because they are not my children or dependents.
                        This, this right here... if he isn't even buying his own food, it isn't worth salvaging the roommate relationship.
                        Yes, I do have roommates who routinely eat my food, however, we've made an agreement on it, since I can get food for cheaper with my Sams Club membership than they can just going to Wal-Mart (though, they could do a hell of a lot cheaper than Wal-Mart if they would just drive two miles further to WINCO, but they've been taken in by the always low prices marketing and don't want to go into the effort to actually find out who has the lowest prices, but I digress), so every month when I go to Sams Club, they give me a wish list of what they'd like me to get that they can share off of and a $100 bill to cover their portion of it. Now, they eat stuff other than what I get them at Sams Club also, but I'm not going to complain, because at least they are trying to make things right (and every once in a while if they feel they have abused that privilege they will kick in extra money towards groceries).
                        The TL : DR version of my rambling is, show him the door, he isn't mature enough to handle living with other mature adults.
                        Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 10-03-2015, 07:43 PM. Reason: unexpected smiley where I didn't mean to put it
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                        • #13
                          Is there a way to get his name taken off the lease so you can kick him out or no?

