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Should I just spend my life in noise canceling headphones/earbuds?

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  • Should I just spend my life in noise canceling headphones/earbuds?

    Will that harm my ears?

    So, I'll just post the rant I just wrote up. I share a house with family and yes, I've talked to them about how much bass sounds bother me. They get my fight-or-flight going. It's like that for some. I have put the onus on me to get headphones, move my workspace, just do a lot of stuff I shouldn't have to because people are going to do what they're going to do, in general. It does get quieter late at night but sometimes there will be these sudden bursts of sounds from the video game, like quiet for 45 minutes and then BAM. It's fraying my nerves. It's supposed to be turned off around 10:00 pm but that doesn't always happen, like tonight. I want to take off these headphones so badly. I've had them off and on all day. So here's the rant:

    I can't do this anymore.
    It's incredibly rude to get speakers with subs in them and put them on the floor that runs between both bedrooms. I have put up with the booming war video game literally ALL DAY. The volume isn't that loud but the bass is intrusive. I've had it. You started this in the morning and it's now been at least fourteen hours. Do you not have anything else to do?
    I have to work in the basement even though I have a desk in my room. I can mostly not hear it down there but I resent having to be the one to make the accommodation when *you* are the one making noise. Might I remind you that I pay for the electricity and internet you are using? Actually, my company pays for a chunk of the internet. I'm trying to keep my job.
    I am now trying to settle down to go to bed. It's 10:30. Just stop it. Go to sleep! You're the one who has to get up at 4:30 am. Are you going to do this to me until midnight? Why am I the one wearing the noise canceling headphones? It should be you! Also, again, YOU'RE the one who has to get up at 4:30 am and work a 24 hour shift. I doesn't even make logical sense.
    I'd go back to working in the office but I'd have to change to earlier hours since the office closes at 4:00 pm. Dude, I cannot get up if you won't let me sleep. I don't get to sleep on the job. I also can't sleep with over-the-ear headphones. My ear buds have to be shipped.
    I will be overjoyed tomorrow when I get off work and it's silent. In fact, I will be the only one home for 24 hours. Hallelujah!
    I have so many advantages in this house which is mine, too, but this is the one thing that tortures me. Sometimes I think you are doing it purposely (probably misophonia talking) but no, I actually think you're depressed and won't get help. I can't live like this. I hate the thought of my cost of living doubling+ to rent a place of my own. But I really miss living alone. Yeah, I had neighbor problems but as my friend says, he does not remember me complain about that nearly as much as I do this. You're off 4 days in a row and it's a nightmare for me.
    Why should I have to move out? It's my inheritance, too. I can't believe this is my life in a house. An apartment, yes. But this is a house. On a quiet street. The noise pollution is inside the house.
    You know, I came home a bit early tonight intending to maybe do some baking but it looked like I'd disturb my family member's sleep so I decided to watch TV with headphones. I took them off for a second and boom boom boom. Oh, so you've been playing video games and I could've been running my mixer? I always put that kind of stuff off for their sake. Always. But they have wars and live music solos all day [get a studio, man!] while I'm working.

    Some work weeks I have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for peace. This week it's Wednesday and Friday. Next week it's only Friday. I do not know how I will survive. I can go back to the office but I still have to deal with this stuff late at night. It's one of the reasons I stay up too late. I want the peace after everyone else is asleep.
    Last edited by Food Lady; 07-03-2024, 04:26 AM.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

  • #2
    Two can play that game. If they don't need to be quiet in the evening, you don't need to be quiet in the morning (I am assuming that you get up way before him). Queit hours should be agreed upon. No noise between X and Y.

    Also, he should get the headphones.

    Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
    Save the Ales!
    Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


    • #3
      He always gets up earlier than I do. He leaves at 5:15 am to work and I work at 9:00 am.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

