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How to complain to a newspaper

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  • How to complain to a newspaper

    Okay, I know I've been posting here a lot lately. We have a lot going on lately.

    As some of you may have read on the Off Topic board, my best friend's house burned down last Thursday. They lost the house, everything in it, and two of their three dogs, and her husband, H, is in the hospital with 3rd degree burns on 40% of his body. He's in stable condition for the moment but he's still not out of the woods yet.

    A lot of newspapers in the area covered the fire. What disgusts me is that they also brought up a criminal charge that H had against him for an even that happened 4 years ago. I won't go into the details, but he spent a couple months in jail and about 16 months on probation due to this event. When the event happened, the newspapers made him out to be a horrible, horrible person, a liar, a cheat, etc. Most of it was not true. Even if it was, the event in question happened 4 years ago and he's not even on probation anymore, the entire episode has passed.

    Now the newspapers are dragging it up again. And not just a simple "Mr. H was convicted for XXX." Half of the article regarding the fire is actually about what happened in this past event. None of the papers have gone out and actually SAID this, but they have all also implied that H started the fire himself to garner attention for himself (that was a BIG part of the publicity for the event that happened 4 years ago...that he did something completely outrageous to hurt himself just to garner attention for himself. I'm talking something that almost killed him...the newspapers claimed he did it to himself (he didn't) just for the attention.)

    I am pissed. My friend, D, is very upset. The newspapers are really kicking D and H while they're down. It makes me absolutely sick and disgusted to read these articles. It's hard to convey here how bad it is without explaining the whole thing that happened in 06 and then linking the articles in question, but believe me when I say these publications are WAY out of line for publishing this bullshit in an article that has absolutely nothing to do with the event they're talking about.

    So. I want to complain. I want them to know, loud and clear, that they are out of line and that what they have published is absurd. How can I go about doing this? Letter to the editor?

  • #2
    I'm no expert in this type of situation, but, I'd say yes, letter to the Editor(s).

    I've seen several times where a L to the E has had content that basically ripped the Paper a new one, whether it was in response to an Editorial, or regarding a specific column that appeared in the Paper. And I'm not just talking about the present day scenario, where the Comments section of a Paper's online version will get pretty nasty, but actual Letters to the print version. (Although, of course, the online comments are often a hell of alot snarkier.)



    • #3
      I think a letter to the editor is a great idea.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        If that doesn't work or it gets worse you could threaten to sue them for slander.

