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Fed up (warning: long and ranty)

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  • Fed up (warning: long and ranty)

    This is one of the most understanding boards I’ve been at. There’s a diverse enough group of people here that I figure someone will be able to tell me if I’m overthinking things or if I have legitimate points.

    I’ve been having issues with people and I’m getting fed up. I don’t know if there’s something wrong me or with the people I’m interacting with (probably a bit of both). I keep on running into the same problems with family members and significant others and I have to vent otherwise I’m going to erupt violently and leave traumatized survivors shaking in my wake. I’m not going to go any deeper into the backstory as I'm already upset enough.

    <start rant>

    I’m introverted. I’m also smart, nerdy and shy. There is nothing wrong with me – this is my personality. I’m in my mid-20’s; I can develop on top of what I have but I cannot change what I am. Telling me that I think too much, that I don’t have good social skills, and that I need to be able to talk to people at the drop of a hat will not endear you to me. Guess what? I can function quite well if I don’t feel like there’s someone watching me and critiquing my every move. So Back. Off.

    Another thing – apparently I’m attractive. Hot, even. No, I don’t want to spend hours shopping or trying to keep up with the latest fashion. I do care about appearances but only to a certain degree; if 1) my outfit matches, 2) the colors suit me, and 3) everything is neat and clean I’m happy. I’m a jeans and t-shirt sort of girl; I can be trendy if I feel like it but that’s definitely not all the time. Stop trying to make me care – little comments all the time just wear away at my self-confidence until I don’t even want to try.

    Apparently I’m “different” from other women that you know. I do tend to say odd things and be intense in my emotions. I know this. I try to keep it down but you know what? I’m getting too old to be worried about what other people think about me. I’m not going to make myself more “normal” for you (besides, I’m not that different; I just tend to express myself differently). If other people don’t like that then I will not inflict my presence on them – I don’t mind much because I know that certain personalities will grate on each other and there’s nothing anyone can do about that.

    Note: I have to admit that I find it ironic that people are drawn to me because I’m different but then later try to change that which attracted them in the first place. What gives?

    Let me pay for things from time to time. I don’t like you bearing the cost for everything because it makes me feel like a blood-sucking parasite and a user. Besides, I’m not romantic. I have no idea what to do to keep the relationship at an acceptable give-and-take level without bearing my fair share of the costs. If you don’t let me do this I will feel useless and depressed.

    I don’t like being told what to do. If I’m at work or school that’s one thing; employers and/or supervisors have authority to give me orders. You do not. Don’t tell me “You need to do this” or start off a thought with “The problem with you is…”. You do not have the authority to tell me to do anything. Got that? If I decide to make a change based on a suggestion of yours that’s a different matter altogether. The choice was mine. I will decide who I am, what I look like, and where I’m going in life.

    By the way, I understand that I misread your text. I missed a crucial word and instead of the night of casual bar-hopping I expected it turned out to be one of your friend’s birthdays at a decidedly NOT CASUAL area. I didn’t know you that well, I knew no one else there, it was an area I’m never at, I was the only person in jeans, and I had no way to escape as you had driven. I wanted to sink through the floor - I felt embarrassed, acutely self-conscious and didn’t know what to do about it (all I had was the nebulous feeling that whatever I did at that point was going to be wrong). I’m not a clubber or that much of a partier; I had nothing in common with those people. Telling me later that I was “really quiet” and, after I explained to you how I felt, that “I should have looked at it as an opportunity to overcome my shyness” was not helpful in the least. Fuck you.

    Just who do you think you are? Yes, I like making people happy. I want everyone to get along – I will put up with a ton of shit if everyone else appears to be content. But there is a line. Past that point I will not bend, I will not compromise. I know it’s a shock because up to that point I let you do pretty much whatever. If you back off and try to compromise we can move forward; keep pushing and I will stop caring about you. And trust me, I WILL remember.

    I am trying very hard to be fair and not manipulate you. I haven’t let you see my tears of frustration or the anger that is building up. But if you continue trying to steamroll me I will let you have it full blast. And it will serve. you. right. I do try to be considerate of other people’s feelings, why can’t you?

    <end rant>

    I feel slightly better now. *sigh*

  • #2
    Are you looking for advice? It's them, not you. As long as you're happy with yourself, it's not a problem with you.


    • #3
      This is why I only dated nerds and gamers. My husband is a DM. That's one of the things that attracted me to him in the first place.

      And yes, it's most definitely them and not you.

      I'm like you to a point. As far as clothing goes? As long as the colors compliment me, I don't care about anything else. My favorite color combination to wear is Purple & Green. And yes, I've worn purple & green sweats out in public before.

      That's why I wear jeans & black pants & khaki. Basically any color goes with any of those pants.

      Don't ever change. And if someone wants to change you? Kick them to the curb!


      • #4
        Quoth Thuringwethyl View Post

        I am trying very hard to be fair and not manipulate you.
        Sounds like whoever you're talking about is trying to manipulate you to fit their image. Dump him. In a lake.

        Said one introverted person to another.
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #5
          I'm like you in a lot of ways. Introverted, shy, hate most social situations, don't care about fashion etc. I like to do what *I* like to do, I listen to what I want (some of it obscure and ancient), etc. I don't want people trying to change me either. One area I'm firm on is music...I like what I fucking like and that's it. My mother and others have always tried.."but you should listen to THIS person he's really famous"...I don't give a shit! If it moves me I like it, if it grates on my nerves I don't and that's it.

          But yeah I'm happiest being in my own home doing my own thing....generally getting lost in a movie.

          So keep it up...and as you get older you'll run into more people who agree with you.

          Great YouTube channel check it out!


          • #6
            Wow, I could have wrote that post (or atleast a variation of it).

            I am an introvert too and while I'm not into the dating thing (don't want the pressure), I get this feeling like I am a total outcast. Job applications like unicru get me so depressed when I'm asked questions like "You like to lead others" or "You like to be the center of attention". It not only pains me to BS through it, but it gets me fearing the job if they are expecting Mr. Extravert Leader. I also hate all the evalution stuff that goes on with jobs. I feel it has cost me jobs in the past, which sucks because I'm not even given a chance to prove myself. So I know how that feels too.

            The main reason why I'm not into the social stuff is because I feel like I don't fit in anywhere. Most of my interests are just surfing the web and posting on forums such as these. I guess I just developed this philosophy about not feeling obligated to fit into certain molds. That's the main fear I have with improving my social networks; I don't want to feel trapped into doing something I don't want for fear of disappointing others. When I'm doing things on my own, I feel so much more at peace, but with people there is always some kind of obligation to entertain them or something. My interests just don't concide with the majority, so I feel like I'm on my own a lot of the time.

            You said it yourself, you cannot change who you are. If he can't accept you for who you are, than that is his problem, not yours. No one should have to change who they are to appease someone else. They have their own life to live the way they want so they should let you live yours. So yeah, fuck him. He ain't worth it. (this is coming from a guy FYI).


            • #7
              lol i'm thinkin' most of this site is introverted nerds/geeks. i know i am. well, was. working customer service kinda "pulled me out of my shell," whatever that means.
              but people wanting ya to change? whatever. tell 'em to grow a third arm. people that want you to change aren't people that you want to be around.
              i'm glad you found this site, tho. it's a pretty fantastic community of all sorts. i hope whatever's up in your life sorts out soon. if not...we're always here for ranting/advice!
              If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

              i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


              • #8
                It's refreshing that *some* people out there understand!

                Quoth rageaholic View Post
                You said it yourself, you cannot change who you are. If he can't accept you for who you are, than that is his problem, not yours. No one should have to change who they are to appease someone else. They have their own life to live the way they want so they should let you live yours. So yeah, fuck him. He ain't worth it. (this is coming from a guy FYI).
                I think my problem is that I'm attracted to rampant extroverts who aren't used to introversion at all. All of my significant others have been this way -- I'm probably drawn to them because they're so different from me. Or because I grew up overshadowed/dominated by an extremely strong-willed sibling and somewhat unhealthy/dominating relationships feel comfortingly "normal" to me. But that's the way it goes, right? Everyone is a little messed up, at least on the inside.


                • #9
                  Quoth Thuringwethyl View Post
                  I think my problem is that I'm attracted to rampant extroverts who aren't used to introversion at all. All of my significant others have been this way -- I'm probably drawn to them because they're so different from me.
                  I can empathize with that. The last guy I was drawn to was sexy and confident and always making other people laugh.. I clicked with him so completely when we were together, but not when we were with other people, and being an extrovert, he wanted to hang out with me in groups. When he danced in public, he wanted to know why I wasn't dancing too, and didn't understand why I was content to watch. You're not alone. Feel better; it's not you, it's the people you're surrounded by. There will be others out there that you can connect with all the time and not just some of the time.

                  "When your deepest thoughts are broken, keep on dreaming, boy; when you stop dreaming it's time to die" -- Blind Melon


                  • #10
                    My beloved is quite introverted, and a nerd. And I love him for it! I'm extroverted enough for the two of us. If someone wants to you to change to fit the "perfect you" they have in their head, forget about them. A true friend/partner will love you for you (but might want to get you out of the habit of leaving wet towels on the bed )
                    The report button - not just for decoration


                    • #11
                      One more thing to add.... all those people telling you you "need" to do something... they only see the outside. And they are working on the premise that inside you are just like them. And of course you are not, but they just don't get that.

                      For the people who insist you are really bad at something and therefore need to improve on it: Unless it is holding you back from accomplishing something important to you, what does it matter? Look at the people who are at the top of their field -- what do they do? They practice what they are GOOD at. So you don't find the chess master thinking, "Hey, I suck at water skiing. I better go practice at that. I suck at putting up drywall. I guess I better practice that too." Nope. the chess master practices playing chess along with other skills that help him/her be a superior chess player.

                      Also, watch out: a lot of people will try to put you on the defensive -- insisting that you justify your point of view. They have things exactly backward... they have to justify theirs. Sometimes they will be right... it is good to keep an open mind. But often you just have to say, "Thanks for the advice, but that just isn't who I am," and don't any other reasons. If the topic isn't up for discussion, then you don't want to give them anything to hang an argument on.

                      BTW: when I mentioned the only practicing stuff you are good at unless being bad at it gets in the way... this is probably one that needs practicing. Find a friend or two and do some role playing with them... that will help your responses so you don't end up thinking of all things you should have said after the fact.
                      There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


                      • #12
                        You sound a lot like me. Don't worry, I'm not trying to say you're diagnosable, because I don't have the social skills to catch the subtle differences there .

                        People need to remember that just because THEY enjoy spending a lot of time with people, or dressing in the latest fashions or etc, it doesn't mean that you're miserable because you don't enjoy those things. Good for you that you know this and haven't turned yourself miserable because of it.


                        • #13
                          They say the oldest profession is prostitution.

                          I say the oldest HOBBY is trying to 'fix' people.

                          I think EVERYONE gets this from time to time, and a lot of times people seem to forget that opinions are just that, opinions, as subjective and flawed as anyone else's opinions. I've met people who have forgotten this fact so hard that when someone declines their advice, it's literally grounds for dissolving the friendship, even though the issue they were giving advice on had nothing to do with them.

                          To be fair, being attractive you probably get it worse. Being plain and different, no one notices you for the most part. Being attractive but unremarkable and again, you blend in. But if you're a looker AND walk apart from the crowd? That draws attention. And attention leads to assessment, assessment leads to judgement, judgement leads to advice, and advice leads to suffering.

                          And then they wonder why you're force-choking them.

                          Simply put, you're the only one who really knows if you're happy or not. Just be honest with yourself, find a few good people you can use as sounding boards when you're unsure of things, and don't worry about the rest.
                          Check out my webcomic!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Magpie View Post
                            People need to remember that just because THEY enjoy spending a lot of time with people, or dressing in the latest fashions or etc, it doesn't mean that you're miserable because you don't enjoy those things.
                            So many people just cannot understand anything outside of their own experience. They believe that if they like A, everyone likes A, and something's wrong with you if you prefer B.

                            Chalk me up as another introvert; I too could've written the OP. For years, people have tried to change me, or bullied me because I wasn't just like everyone else. To hell with them; if they can't accept the differences of others, they're the ones with the problem.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              I totally hear you. I've been an introverted geek for my entire life. Even now, my idea of a fun night of hanging out with friends involves all of us sitting around reading (fortunately for me, my friends are ALSO geeky introverts!)

                              I was lucky enough to have a dad who was able to teach me public speaking. why lucky? Because it's HILARIOUS to have people assume that my quietness means inability to communicate to a large group when I have to, and then smack them down. Keeps them off my back on other social things.

                              You didn't mention where you live, but if it's in the States, it's important to remember that 75% of the US population self-identifies as extrovert because it's perceived as the "right" way to be. It's a real problem, and EXTREMELY frustrating.

                              I doubt any of that helps, but hey--geek solidarity!
                              "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                              My pony dolls:

