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Fed up (warning: long and ranty)

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  • #16
    That was like reading my life story under someone else's name. XD I know exactly how you feel and I am sooo glad you seem to be getting to your limit- not to be mean or anything! I just mean that, that way, you and the person can find the boundaries and either stick with them or look for other people. I hate people who try to change me- if I want help I'll ask for it! D:<


    • #17
      Quoth iradney View Post
      My beloved is quite introverted, and a nerd. And I love him for it! I'm extroverted enough for the two of us. If someone wants to you to change to fit the "perfect you" they have in their head, forget about them. A true friend/partner will love you for you (but might want to get you out of the habit of leaving wet towels on the bed )

      The right partner for you will love YOU. As you are. Everything you ARE.

      They may want you to change non-core behaviours. Especially ones which add to the level of total work that must be done in the household (which, let's face it, makes everyone's life worse).

      But they will not want you to change behaviours which are core expressions of WHO YOU ARE.

      A partner who wants you to put the dirty socks IN the laundry basket, not BESIDE it? Fine.
      A partner who compromises and lets you have a laundry basket in the bedroom, even though they're Ms Tidy and would normally insist that all laundry goes straight TO the laundry? Perfect - and you'd better do your share of the compromise and use that basket.

      A partner who wants you to be On Trend and In Fashion (or correspondingly, thinks you're ridiculous for always choosing to be On Trend and In Fashion): not fine.

      Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
      I was lucky enough to have a dad who was able to teach me public speaking. why lucky? Because it's HILARIOUS to have people assume that my quietness means inability to communicate to a large group when I have to, and then smack them down. Keeps them off my back on other social things.
      My only problem with that is that people refuse to believe I'm an introvert because I can FAKE extroversion so damned well.

      But it's sooooooooo draining. I'm exhausted when I get home. Heck, I'm exhausted and wilting the moment I'm 'in the wings'.
      Seshat's self-help guide:
      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


      • #18
        Damn, aside from the introversion (I'm a hermit, but very outspoken and sociable when outside my "cave") and hot looks, that could have been written by me.

        What iradney and Seshat said.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

