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  • Stressed

    Okay, so I'm a fifth year senior and will graduate in fall semester. This semester, I am doing a field practicum twice a week in an elementary school. I work retail and I just got a job with the Census Bureau. There are days in the week when I care for my niece. So, I have a busy life. There are many things that all seem to be going wrong...

    1.) The Census Bureau called me March 25 to give me the job. Training started on the following Monday, March 29. Not a lot of time to prepare, right? However, this was an offer I could not refuse--I desperately need the money. Retail work was very understanding, actually, and I lucked out with my practicum and they are on spring break. HOWEVER, they called (or rather my crew leader called) today to tell me that I need to come out for OTJ training tomorrow morning. School starts tomorrow and I probably won't be able to call my teacher in the morning. Argh.

    2.) This teacher...she is pure evil, I think. She manhandles students (like yanking them out of seats, grabbing their arms and forcing them down, etc), yells and belittles them, talks crap about them to me while in full view and earshot of the students...I hate her I hate her I hate her. She also doesn't seem to like me much...she says I don't have "energy" and she doesn't think I can make it. Well, f her. At least I'll care about my students, never touch them offensively, belittle them...She told me when I would go and assist students at their desk that I should stay in the back of the room and have them come to me.

    Then later she says I sit too much and should go around and assist students!

    3.) I am well over my hours but I still have two more lessons to teach. I think I'm going to double up on Wednesday and call it my last day, but I don't want to throw that on

    So...any advice you can offer? How can I report this teacher for some obvious abuse without screwing me out of a teaching job in the future? I am just so stressed out and I need the money for my second job but I'm afraid that my supervising practicum teacher is going to be mad at me for having to take off another Monday. I have never felt so uncomfortable around someone in my entire life. I've had to deal with co-workers I don't like, but this teacher makes me just so entirely uncomfortable and I actually loathe going there. I hate the way she treats her students and more than one have come up to me and said that the teacher doesn't like them and she's mean, etc.

    What do I do?

  • #2
    Quoth Rine View Post
    2.) This teacher...she is pure evil, I think. She manhandles students (like yanking them out of seats, grabbing their arms and forcing them down, etc), yells and belittles them, talks crap about them to me while in full view and earshot of the students...I hate her I hate her I hate her. She also doesn't seem to like me much...she says I don't have "energy" and she doesn't think I can make it. Well, f her. At least I'll care about my students, never touch them offensively, belittle them...She told me when I would go and assist students at their desk that I should stay in the back of the room and have them come to me.
    Wow! I'm doing a Grad Dip Teaching (Secondary), so High School students, I do a six week practicum in two weeks time. Now this sounds like one of the situations that my lecturers have described as a "difficult" situation in which we should tell them about it. Is there anyone at your course that you can tell about this abuse of the children? That way it shouldn't affect you, in fact you may get kudos from the program for letting them know about, there is no way she should be treating kids like that.

    Best of luck for everything, and I hope (well I've already met my teachers for my first practicum) that I don't see this sort of treatment on my practicums.
    Began work Aug as casual '08
    Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
    Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
    Why do I still work there again?


    • #3
      For the teacher? Simple. Bring in a hidden camera and videotape it. Then post it on youtube, and send it to news station annoymously.

      She'll be fired quickly.

      That's illegal. She can't assault students like that.
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        If you're in the US, I'm pretty sure you are legally obligated to report any suspected abuse. As for how to do it, I'm not quite sure. Perhaps your practicum teacher can help?


        • #5
          Quoth trailerparkmedic View Post
          If you're in the US, I'm pretty sure you are legally obligated to report any suspected abuse. As for how to do it, I'm not quite sure. Perhaps your practicum teacher can help?
          I know for sure that ordinary citizens are not mandatory reporters, mostly because my Mom, as a midwife, is legally required to report suspected abuse, etc.

          I believe that teachers are mandatory reporters as well, but that kind of thing usually doesn't apply to students, however IANAL.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
            I know for sure that ordinary citizens are not mandatory reporters, mostly because my Mom, as a midwife, is legally required to report suspected abuse, etc.

            I believe that teachers are mandatory reporters as well, but that kind of thing usually doesn't apply to students, however IANAL.
            Yeah, I meant that I'm pretty sure teachers are mandatory reporters, though I'm not sure how it affects student teachers.
            If your future job requires you to be a mandatory reporter, I would imagine it is a good idea to report suspected abuse even while a student. Reporting a fellow worker or superior is touchy and you may want to steer clear of jobs with that person, but I don't think it would be held against you in the future if the situation is as severe as you've made it sound.

