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Weight Gain Getting Out Of Control...

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  • Weight Gain Getting Out Of Control...

    It's been a while since I posted my "Acai?" thread in regards to losing weight.

    I am now flirting with 140 pounds. I am not a doctor, but my prefered healthy weight is 120-125, to my doctor it's anywhere from 115-135, but I start feeling uncomfortable at 130.

    I am starting to get so frustrated with myself that I cannot even bear the sight of myself in the mirror anymore.

    I have not gained very much muscle, if anyone is still trying to convince me that joining the gym has done me good and I'm gaining muscle so that's why my weight keeps going up. If I were gaining muscle, my clothes would still be fitting fine, and I'd be firming up, not still jiggling in all the same places as before, if not worse than before. In all honesty, I think I could swallow hard and accept being 135-140 if I had actually gained muscle everywhere and was actually toning up and getting more lean.

    I am now up to an hour of cardio 5-6 days a week versus 30 before. I have quit weight training save for tricep and pectoral exercises to get rid of upper arm jiggle and prevent breast sagging.

    According to the treadmills I use (granted, it could be off) I burn anywhere from 700-1000 calories each time I do my cardio.

    I have quit soda and only use it as a treat once or twice a week. I only eat fast food (like the bad stuff like McDonalds) once or twice a month, if I do eat out it's Subway or Jimmy Johns and I'm really no fun to go out to restaurants with anymore because all I eat is salads or to buffets with salad bars.

    I have cut out any carbs that I consider more than what's necessary to keep me energized and focused. I have not eaten chips or cakes or cookies or other snacks for weeks. All I snack on are carrots, apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries, raspberries....healthy stuff.

    I am up to almost 100 oz of water a day, and that's just at home, because I can't really approximate what I drink at work. I drink Powerade or Gatorade at work because that's the only thing available that isn't soda or energy drinks or coffee or overly sugary juices with just as many calories as soda. But I also slip out of the room almost every hour to the bubbler to drink 3-5 cups of water.

    I am on a very high fiber deal right now, anything Fiber One makes, I have. I also eat 10-20 prunes a day. I'm as regular as can be, so it's not like I'm full of shit.

    I had a body wrap done and I lost 5 1/2 inches from random places from the chest down, but didn't lose very much weight.

    Every time I get on the damn scale, it's either the same or I've gained yet another pound.

    I don't even know what to do anymore. It is not healthy for me to weigh this much, I can hardly fit into some of my pants anymore, everyone has noticed and some people have even started making comments about how large my lower body has gotten.

    A year ago at my friend's wedding fitting, I was 36 26 I'm 36 30 40.

    Some of you may roll your eyes at me and say "Be thankful you aren't extremely overweight or obese" or "You are just an eating disorder waiting to happen!" but it's something that is really bothering me and I just don't know what to do anymore.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    **hugs** I have no real advise, I just wanted share sympathies. I can completely understand....I'm in a similar place.

    Only thing I have found that works for me is "diet" and exercise. (I am not on a diet, I changed my eating habits*).

    I lost a good deal of weight this past year, and it's slowly coming back....some muscle, some def not. It is frustrating.

    Could stress or health reasons be keeping your weight up?

    *well, I was eating healthy until I pigged out on junk, but I told myself it fuel for my hike tomorrow.
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


    • #3
      Check your neck... do you still have a hollow at the base of your throat? I have the same issue with weight, cannot lose a stinkin' pound to save my life, but then found out my thyroid is inflamed... nothing apparently wrong with it, just inflamed.

      The weight gain is something to discuss with a doctor. IMO it sounds like something else may be going on, and it wouldn't hurt to get a full workup to see if the cause can be found.

      *not a doctor here, but that much water every hour... is your family predisposed to diabetes?*
      Last edited by r2cagle; 05-14-2010, 08:41 PM.
      Make a list of important things to do today.
      At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
      Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


      • #4
        I almost wonder if you're not eating enough with the level of activity you have. If you eat too little, your body goes into starvation mode, slows your metabolism, and stores most of your intake as fat instead of burning it.

        If I were you, I would start tracking what you're eating and how many calories you are consuming daily. There are a plethora of websites that help with this--I've used before for the tracking (it's free). Are you eating enough? Are some of your regular foods higher in calories than you expected?

        There are plenty of sites that will calculate the amount of calories you should be consuming, but if you want to do it yourself, here's the math:

        -You need to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound.

        -Your body requires a certain number of calories to exist--this is your Basil Metabolic Rate or BMR.

        Female BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
        Male BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

        -BMR is just the amount to sustain life. You burn more than that because you don't lie in bed all day. The way I learned to calculate this is through the Harris Benedict Equation. You can google it for specifics, but the way I would use it is by determining how active you are at work (assuming you work full time).
        If you sit behind a desk, multiply BMR by 1.2. If you stand and walk a lot, multiply BMR by 1.375. If you do heavy lifting or other physical activities, multiply BMR by 1.55.
        This number gives you the number of calories you need to consume daily if you don't exercise and want to maintain your weight. Let's call this Daily Calories.

        -So say you want to lose 1 lb/week. To do that, you need to eat 500 less calories than you burn every day. Eat ((Daily Calories) + (Exercise Calories) - 500).

        So, there's the math-intensive way to figure out what you should be eating. Your body won't always listen to the numbers but it's a good starting point.


        • #5
          When you say a hollow in your neck, do you mean by your collar bone and can you press your finger there and it goes in without any effort? If so, yes, I can.

          Diabetes runs in the men in my father's family, no woman has ever had it. I have cut out as much sugar as possible in my diet, save for sugars found in fruits.

          As far as the water goes, some of it is natural thirst and more thirst from lots of cardio, but the rest is drinking it to flush myself out. I really have limited myself now to just water (although I will sometimes have Silk with a meal) and Gatorade at work but still lots of water as well. I think I have become a little obsessed with flushing myself out, considering I am obsessed with fiber and prunes.

          Edit to add: It's possible I'm not eating enough, but my metabolism is confusing me. A little TMI, but I am pooping quite quickly after eating most meals (and it's not runny or painful, it's solid and clean and sinks) or if I don't poop a few hours after I eat, the next time I eat, it wants out now. Or maybe that's just my digestive system working properly?

          I am having the hardest time in the world staying full after cutting carbs. I was eating way too many, so I cut back. It's been hard because they were the only foods I really liked to begin with, and I had to force myself to eat salads and veggies and force myself to like them. I've cut back on cheeses and other dairy (except milk and I only drink soy milk) and that has been torture. I cannot stay full unless I eat something with a lot of carbs or something that is processed and bad for you. It sucks.

          I am so angry I just want to eat a tub of ice cream and everything on the McDonalds menu and then take a 3 day nap and tell my body to fuck off.
          Last edited by blas; 05-14-2010, 09:06 PM.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth blas View Post
            I think I have become a little obsessed with flushing myself out, considering I am obsessed with fiber and prunes.
            One of my drill sergents told us that light yellow pee meant you were well hydrated and anything lighter than that just meant they were making us drink tons of water just to mess with us. Just a thought.

            I wanted to add a couple of things to my earlier wall of text:
            -I notice you're eating a lot of salads. Salads in general are good, but be careful about toppings--don't go crazy with cheese, high fat dressings, etc.
            -Cutting out carbs does little for your weight if you're making up the calories in another part of your diet. Proteins and fats eventually get broken down into glucose to be sucked into your fat cells too.
            -Speaking of protein... are you getting enough? Are you getting enough fat? It is good to get small amounts of fat and lots of protein, especially since you're so active.
            -Don't stop weight training. There are tons of health benefits, and muscle burns more calories than fat. Weight training indirectly increases how many calories your body burns.
            -Personal experience only (nothing to back me up) but I lose weight better when I eat 2-3 servings of lowfat dairy a day. Mostly I try to be conscientious about it because of osteoprosis but when I'm good about it, I have better weight loss weeks.


            • #7
              I'm ignorant, but I quit drinking protein shakes because I thought they were contributing to my weight gain. I still have them in the fridge, they are still good for quite some time.

              As far as salads go, I add fruits and nuts to them and just a tad of dressing. Also, I'm not one of those people who eats carrots with tons of ranch (I hate ranch blech). I eat all my veggies and fruits plain, no ranch or no carmel or syrups.

              Edit to add: I forgot to add that I have been eating a LOT of egg whites recently. I go through a dozen every 3-4 days. I don't eat the yolks. Sometimes they are hardboiled, sometimes I scramble them.

              And also thank you so much for the link. I just created a profile and got started with today's workout and burned calories.
              Last edited by blas; 05-14-2010, 09:46 PM.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Take it easy Blas. Weight gain just comes with part of the territory of getting older.

                I was in the same boat. The main thing I did was cut my calories down. Simple as that. I decided to stick with a 1500-2000 calories a day. Just cut your portions. I learned that by watching a news piece about the French. They eat lots of candy and sweets, yet for the most part they don't struggle with obesity. That's what I did and it helped me lost 30 pounds. If you eat a hamburger try only eating half of it. You probably shouldn't really cut anything completely out of your diet because you could end up with malnutrition. That and stick with working out in the gym. Then the weight will drop.

                Also try getting a physical from your doctor.


                • #9
                  ~eat more lean protein. white chicken, salmon, any white fish, beans. that can help with building lean muscle which burns more fat
                  ~keep up with weight training, just just cardio. low weight, high reps. just heavy enough to be difficult, and do maybe 3 sets of 15 or so. if you can, try talking to a personal trainer once a month or so just to make sure you're doing the right exercises do reach your goals
                  ~do you drink milk? what kind? whole milk has 4% fat, 2% has that, and fat free is well, yanno. milk and light yogurts have been shown to help with weightloss.
                  ~don't eat just 3 times a day. breakfast, light snack, lunch, light snack, and dinner. the light snacks between meals help keep your metabolism going. just be careful with those snacks. anywhere between 100 and 150 calories should do. some fruit, 100 cal snack pack, half a sandwich. just not a candy bar or chips, which you mentioned not eating anymore
                  ~talk to your doc. it is possible there's an underlying issue that's preventing weight loss. just get a few tests run to make sure your thyroid's in good shape and your other random glands are in good shape. also, allergy checks would be a good thing. if you're allergic to some things, even mildly, can cause weight issues. s/he can also suggest some diet tips. oh, and mention the pooping as often as you do. it's possible that eating too much fiber can just run everything out of your system.

                  good luck and don't go overboard!
                  Last edited by Green_Fairy; 05-14-2010, 10:58 PM. Reason: another thought
                  If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                  i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


                  • #10
                    Just wanted to share more now I have time to type.

                    I second keeping track of calories, I do this near obsessively. (I am trying to stop now). Make sure you are eating enough.... I did a crash dietand was weak as hell.

                    I have an ipad app that I use to track....loseit.
                    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                    • #11
                      Just as general heath advice - don't go overboard on the protein. If you're meeting your requirements there is no benefit from having any more protein. And there can be some problems with calcium absorption and the like.

                      I'd seriously take this to your doctor though. If your weight changes suddenly, that's a reason to see your doctor about it. I can see that you wouldn't be gaining a lot of muscle bulk, if all you're doing is aerobic exercises. I can see looking fatter while gaining muscle (it's common for women - there's enough fat over the muscle that the muscle's effectively not there). Your situation, however, confuses me.


                      • #12
                        Have you looked at the calories from the Poweraid / Gatoraid ? A lot of those drinks are sugarwater with flavor.
                        Still missing you, Plaid


                        • #13
                          Quoth ParkingWitch View Post
                          Have you looked at the calories from the Poweraid / Gatoraid ? A lot of those drinks are sugarwater with flavor.
                          I was thinking the same thing. Unless you're a hardcore athlete, you're better off with water.

                          Lean protein and a little fat with each meal will keep you fuller longer than mostly carbs because they take longer to digest.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #14
                            I strongly suggest at this point getting a doctor to do a metabolic check on you. I'd rate you as having a possible endocrine problem at this point.

                            If I were your doctor, I'd want to have a dietician and a physiotherapist check your diet and exercise - just to be sure - but I'd also get a full endocrine workup and probably a full blood workup as well.
                            Seshat's self-help guide:
                            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                            • #15
                              One more thing to consider: the human body is great at adapting to stressful conditions like exercise. What this means is that after a while your body will become "used" to doing lots of cardio and behave more efficiently expending less energy. So if you at first see great results with running, for example, after a while the results will lessen (great if you want to run longer but not so great if you're trying to lose weight).
                              Also, some machines overestimate the amount of calories burned. I think there is a way to estimate yourself (based on body weight, exertion level, etc.) to check against the machine but I saw the equation once and promptly forgot all about it. I always just used my diet to control my weight and weight lifting to keep firm (cardio for fun).
                              Last edited by Thuringwethyl; 05-16-2010, 06:58 PM. Reason: I can't spell today

