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Me and my stomach

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  • #31
    Quoth bean View Post
    Uhm, perhaps you guys missed the part where I was in the ER for this...
    A few days ago, correct? And you're still vomiting blood? Again, unexplained bleeding for a long period of time is generally Not Good and should be checked out again.


    • #32
      No, no longer vomit with blood... just the regular kind now, and infrequent.

      I met with my new PCP for the first time today. Very nice guy, fairly young (probably late 30s if I had to guess, he graduated med school in 2001 according to the records I've dug up on him). He told me right away the first thing he wants to get done is an upper endoscopy - FINALLY someone that doesn't think food poisoning! He did say that if I could get a release for my records from the hospital and previous doctors, we could skip re-doing pretty much all of the tests and radiation (I had already filled out releases before going in, so I was prepared).

      He said he's also willing to do all the paperwork my employer wants, no problem at all, he just wants to get my records before he fills everything out, which will take a few days (HR said I have 2 weeks to get the paperwork done, I'm going back next week for the paperwork and to schedule an endoscopy).

      One thing that did catch me a little off guard... so far, when using my insurance, everyone just mails me a bill after insurance pays their share. They pulled up my benefits and I had to pay on the spot (I could be billed for an extra $25) - but the office visit was only $15.97. I'm hoping that, since my psychiatric meds are stable and long term, I may be able to get him to start writing scripts on those as well, since my insurance doesn't cover mental health.


      • #33

        And yes, for mental maint meds, your PCP can usually write it out for you. Mine does.

        *Happy dance* No more pu-king no more pu-king.

        Please, do the food log and bm log. He'll want that data anyways.

        In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
        She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


        • #34
          I'm glad something is being done. I hope they'll find what is wrong soon.


          • #35
            I've been doing very very basic logs. We didn't bring that up during my meeting, but he did ask if specific foods or drugs seemed to trigger symptoms and I said "No, it seems completely random". Which is when he announced "Dude, it's clear you need an endoscopy". I mentioned my anxiety issues and he told me "Don't worry, the last thing you'll remember for the day is laying down on the bed, might not remember the next morning either. Worst case, you have a sore throat". We jokingly described the last time I picked up my mom from a colonoscopy and how completely goofy she was, and he said I'd probably be in the same shape.. except I'm much, much, much, much, much, much (did I say much?) more outgoing than mom, especially about my sexuality. I mean hell, I trade blowjob tips with a 64 year old coworker regularly while sober.

            Last time mom got, uh, piped, my stepdad was almost cussing at her because she was so goofy. I wound up cussing him out and calling him an asshole and reminding him she was coming out of anesthesia, then asked her if she'd pay for a new tattoo, she said SURE!. Looked back at stepdad and said "See? She'd never pay for a tattoo sober!".

            Dr is fully aware of my current alcohol and drug usage, and has some of my past illegal drug history. When I mentioned I occasionally smoke the evil marijuana plant he didn't mention anything about it at all, but he does want me to cut down on drinking ASAP. I have nothing to hide, my insurance company knows about my substance abuse issues at this point anyway. And he admitted he knows alcohol is one of the hardest drugs to walk away from, after he said that I told him all the drug addictions I HAD walked away from (most cold turkey) and he just said ".... wow".

            So... once he has most of my recent medical records, he said it'd be a good idea to come back late next week (I'm scheduled next Thursday around noon) so we can go over the records together and piece together what I want to include in my FMLA request. At that point, he should have been able to go over my labs and radiology - he told me there's no point in re-doing anything that's been done recently, he knows I'm fairly low income and told me he doesn't want to waste any of my money or time.

            All in all, I'm VERY impressed with this dr and the entire practice.

            I also sat down with backup HR, my boss, and the store manager yesterday - backup HR wanted all of us to sit down and talk "to make sure we're all on the same page". It was a friendly chat, backup hr went over what paperwork I needed to get done, and what records I would need to get released. She stated I could work for up to 15 days before that paperwork had to be turned back in - which works out perfectly, it's going to take about a week before my new doctor can start on the paperwork. I did record the convo (remember TX = 1 party consent), but there's nothing of real interest on the recording. I worked my scheduled shift last night as well. I'm scheduled off today, but told them to feel free to call me if they get slammed (doubtful with the weather that's coming). So tensions are definitely way down now. I signed some papers basically stating I wanted to request intermittent FMLA and stating I would return doctors paperwork within 15 days - doing so allowed me to resume working.


            • #36
              It sounds good, both your doctor and your work situation.

              If the examination you are going to are the one where they look at your esophagus, stomach and duodenum with a tube down your throat, you don't need to be worried, I got one of those without any aid except that I drank some local anaesthetic first. They told me that I should just relax and if I felt I couldn't breathe I should remember that I did get air enough even if it felt as if I didn't. It wasn't really nice but I would do it again if necessary. I didn't even get a sore throat.


              • #37
                I had spray anaesthetic for mine. Numbed the throat - still gagged on occasion, until I forced myself to relax.

                Was good when it was over. Even better, they recommended ice cream for the resultant itchy throat.



                • #38
                  Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                  I had spray anaesthetic for mine. Numbed the throat - still gagged on occasion, until I forced myself to relax.

                  Was good when it was over. Even better, they recommended ice cream for the resultant itchy throat.

                  I was not allowed to eat or drink for two hours afterwards , they were afraid that I would choke if I swallowed while the anaesthetic worked. Since I had to fast for six hours before, I was ravenous!
                  Yes, I gagged a few times too, they said I should just let it happen, after all there was nothing in the stomach to throw up.
                  It's quite interesting to see your insides on the screen .

                  Still, if I had anxiety issues, I would let them put me under. It's no time for a panic attack with a tube all the way down there.


                  • #39
                    For my first endoscopy they gave me a Valium. One. I said politely that it wasn't going to do the trick (having a long history of requiring way more sedation than the average person - something to do with a highly developed fight-or-flight mechanism, I guess). The nurse looked down her nose at me and said that if the Valium didn't work, they had a rubber mallet handy. Ha ha. Turns out they were lying about the rubber mallet, as the endoscopy was not a success, since I was wide awake and panicking and surely they would have brought it out when, during my struggles, I kicked the intern. I did feel bad about that later.

                    Second endoscopy - full (if brief) anaesthesia. I had a lovely nap and no lasting trauma. Ask for the drugs.


                    • #40
                      In the meantime, you should seriously go on the BART diet. It's very bland, so it shouldn't further irritate your system. Basically it's bananas, applesauce, rice, and toast (white bread only, no butter, but you can put honey on it). Of course non-alcoholic "clear" liquids (apple juice, white grape juice, cranberry juice, beef broth, chicken broth, vegetable broth, gingerale, Sprite/7-up) are okay, too. Instant mashed potatoes made with just water and salt and cream of wheat made with just water and honey are bland and gentle enough as well. I know it's a really boring diet to eat, but you really need to allow your system to rest as much as possible, so eating your normal diet right now is really not a good idea.

                      Aside from that, I'm glad to hear you have a doctor who's taking the situation seriously.
                      Don't wanna; not gonna.


                      • #41
                        DISCLAIMER-I am not a medical professional-

                        i'll just add that the vomiting "bright red blood" while worrisome can be a symptom of a "Mallory-Weiss Tear"-I've had them, caused by excessive vomiting-though it can be something more serious(don't know not a doctor)-and ER docs are not diagnosticians-they just "patch you up long enough to get you to a proper diagnostician" doctor. While there are good and bad ones-they don't have the time to do a proper medical history, or testing.
                        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                        • #42
                          I second ((or third)) the GI or Colonoscopy(sp). You might want to look into GERD, or irritable bowel Syndrome. It isn't usually as bad as what you are describing but I have heard that either of them can be.

                          A big thing I want to ask is how much stress are you under?
                          A few years ago I was suffering from symptoms that sounds WAY to similar to yours. I was in the doctors office almost monthly going "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!" and they couldn't find anything.... one doctor even had the nerve to tell me it was all in my head. Part of my problem was mild acid reflux, part of it was mild food allergies... but the biggest part ended up being stress. My stomach still acts up once in a while when I get stressed...vomiting and....other unpleasant things... but not nearly as bad as it was back then.
                          So you might want to look into some stress relief techniques, even if it turns out to not be related.... it can never heart to be less stressed right? lol
                          "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                          • #43
                            Maybe a bit late with this, but I hope I can be forgiven as I am a new member of the board. First the disclaimer - not a medical professional, just have some .. experience.

                            Now..I want you to get them to check your enzyme levels in your urine. If they are elevated..please have them do a liver biopsy. Because there is a little know, but dangerous thing called Non-Alcoholic Streatohepetitis..A form of Hep C. If you are unlucky enough to get it, pray for it to not be the inherited form. Because it is curable. It is treatable. It starts out as something called 'fatty liver' (though this is only it's beginning stage) and basically the reason it is called that is because your liver will swell to twice it's normal size..for awhile.

                            It causes excess stomach bile (not acid reflux) and can have a wide variety of symptoms (or none at all).

                            Excess stomach bile. Makes you feel full even when you haven't really ate. Weird felling when your stomach is growling and you feel like you are stuffed. Vomit randomly, regardless what you eat (though I was unlucky enough to get the fatal/non curable version at one point I couldn't even keep down water). Though greasy food tends to be the worse (oh how I miss KFC chicken).

                            Cirrhosis of the liver. Just like a lifetime alcoholic can get, and drinking any type of alcohol can make you very very sick.

                            Your immune system is pretty much nil, cause your body is too busy fighting the illness.

                            As well as a host of other things. Even if it is not NASH (and I hope it isn't) the biopsy could be a good thing anyhow. If it is, and it is not the inherited prepared for many many shots.

                            Of course even the fatal version has it's weirdness sometimes. 15(ish) years ago, was told I had no MORE then 2 years to live. Then it went dormant and recently has resurfaced. Phenegran (spelling) helped with the sickness for me, but the pain is a constant. As is the utter fatigue. Just .. have them check for it. Please.

                            It is so little known, even more so for the inherited version. I've found maybe 10 doctors of all I have been to who even know about the NON inherited version (which is more common), and 2 that knew about the type I had..out of hundreds and hundreds..
                            Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

