Not Really a rant, more a "shrugs shoulders and tries to make the best of it"
My laptop is on its last legs battery no longer charges at all and apparently can't be fixed and keeps freezing up and needing rebooting.
Anyone know anything about cheap netbooks?Any good for really basic web browsing etc?
Carpet has had ink spilled on it, can't be cleaned needs replacing
FridgeFreezer has broke down - been to look for a new one, anyone got any views about "America style sidebyside models" ?
otherwise, just *sigh*
My laptop is on its last legs battery no longer charges at all and apparently can't be fixed and keeps freezing up and needing rebooting.
Anyone know anything about cheap netbooks?Any good for really basic web browsing etc?
Carpet has had ink spilled on it, can't be cleaned needs replacing
FridgeFreezer has broke down - been to look for a new one, anyone got any views about "America style sidebyside models" ?
otherwise, just *sigh*