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Hope Help (long) (kinda NSFW)

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  • Hope Help (long) (kinda NSFW)

    This is a pretty long story, so I'll shorten is as best I can.

    My first boyfriend(who I will call Dean) is a really great guy. He's sweet, caring to the point where he always puts others befor himself, worries too much, and is very respectful. When we were dating, he would always ask me before doing anything, even kissing. He would still ask me if I was ok after though So, overall good guy.

    Near the 3 month mark, he was under a lot of stress with family issues and we started having arguments over nothing. Basically, he would get upset over something trivial, I would tell him to calm down; It's not a big deal, he would get upset with me for not being as sympathetic as I usually am, then we would wind up getting upset with each other. I, thinking he would be better off without me, ended it. I thought we were making each other miserable and that he deserved someone better. However, I still had feelings for him, so I dated my second boyfriend who I will call Dick.

    Dick was, well, a dick. A wanna-be playboy obsessed with sex and drugs and lying. I seriously think he never told me one truth. I never had sex with him, but he was able to pressure me into doing other things. It would be:
    Dick: Let's do blank.
    Me: No, I don't feel comfortable doing blank.
    Dick: Then you don't love me.
    Me: I do, I just don't want to do blank.
    Dick: You're lying because you don't love me.
    Me: No, I'm not.
    Dick: Fine, don't do it then.
    I would cave and do blank anyway.
    He would change his tune real quick.
    I would feel cheap and used for doing what he demanded.
    All in all, it was a bad relationship. Near the end, he etarted spouting this crap about how his friend andy got shot and killed and he buried him in the woods and he was in mourning. Then he stopped answering my texts and calls completely. One day, I finally got a text saying he needed to be alone and wanted to break up. The think about bad relationships is, no matter how bad they are, you still feel like you need that person because it's what they told you over and over. Like if someone tells you you are a fat cow 10 times a day, everyday for a year, you start to believe it.

    A mutual friend who I will call Mark texted me one day after I told him Dick broke up with me. The convo went like this:
    Mark: I was expecting you to call me last week.
    Me: Why?
    Mark: That's when he broke up with you.
    Me: No, he did that yesterday.
    Mark: Really? I guess he lied again.
    Me: He said Andy's death was hitting him hard.
    Mark: Who?
    Me: Andy.
    Mark: I have been Dick's best friend for years and I have never heard of Andy.
    Me: Nice...
    Mark: I saw him with Slut last week and he said he dumped you.

    Note: Slut is Dick's ex who he dumped after catching her naked with his neighbor.

    Me: Great....cheating asshole

    Yupp. So he was cheating on me with Slut, then dumped me for Slut. Mark asked me on a "friend date" to cheer me up. We went bowling, but it wasn't a friend date. The whole time, he was groping my ass, telling me how hot I looked and what-not. I asked him to stop. He apologised, saying he was just trying to help. He drove me to his house saying we were going to watch a movie. We did, but he started touching on me the whole time. Finally, I made up a nice lie saying my mom wanted me home by 10pm(it was 9:45 at the time) and that I really needed to get going. He flat out refused. I was ordered to give him a blowjob. I refused. He said, "Well, you're not going home until you do". I went against my nature and delivered a straight-faced lie saying I would do it, but only for 15 seconds. Then, he would take me home and I would make it up to him when I had more time. He said 30 seconds and he would do it. When I got home, I deleted and blocked his number and never talked to him again.

    He wasn't the only one either. I went on casual friend dates with a few other guys that ended with them trying to get me to go to their house and me going home(them driving or me walking). All these incidents developed a distrust of men and confidence issues. One day, I was talking to a friend who brought up Dean. I said I really wanted to talk to him again but he probably hated me now. Friend said to give it a shot. I did and Dean acted like nothing ever happened saying he missed me and was so glad I texted and asked how I've been. I gave minimal detail only saying how Dick dumped me after cheating on me. We became friends again and just being friends made me love him all over again.

    He had a girlfriend at the time, so I kept that secret. Soon, he dumped her because she was kinda slutty. I began planning how to tell him and how to ask him out. I kept getting scared, thinking he would say no and would always decide to not tell him. Soon, he got a new girlfriend. I cried and scolded myself for being weak and cowardly. Luckily, they didn't last long and I finally worked up the courage to tell him. As it turned out, he still loved me too but I was still worried about the scars left by other men(I didn't want my issues to ruin anything) so I asked if we could be put off dating until I worked out a few things. He agreed, but secretly thought I said that to avoid hurting his feelings and got another girlfriend. I cried again. He apologised and felt really bad for assuming things and promised he would stay single next time until I was ready. One day, I wound up letting out, for the first time, all the shit that other guys have done to me and how it messed me up. I expected him to call me a slut and shun me. Instead, he hugged me and comforted me, leting me breakdown like a child.

    Now, I have problems trusting any man, even Dean. When he doens't answer his phone, I get flashbacks of Dick ignoring my calls while he's cheating on me. when he says he was sleeping, I get flashbacks of Dick saying he was sleeping but later seeing semen staining his sheets.

    Him and his girlfriend have been having some issues like her being a bit controlling and them having arguments. (I guess she TOLD him exactly where she wants to get married, where the honeymoon will be, how many kids she wants to have, what their names will be, how many kids she wants to adopt, what their names and genders and ethnicities will be and where she wants to live in what kind of house; She will not bend on any of those details)

    The thing about Dean is he hates hurting others, which is why he has trouble ending relationships. He told me he loves me but he doesn't want to break up with her just yet because he does care about her(they were friends for years) and doesn't want to hurt her. Now, he is saying he doesn't know what to do and needs time to think. I want to believe he still cares and still wants to be with me, but I'm really not sure and I'm afraid to ask. I've tried dating other guys, but it never works out because they are never as good a person as Dean is and never as understanding of my scars. I'm damaged goods and most guys are looking for the shiney, new models.

    I'd like hope that everything will work out. Please, no scolding me for my past mistakes. I know I screwed up and don't need to be reminded of that. Also, I don't have the money for a therapist and I don't like them anyway. I have tried them in the past, but it just feels like me whining to someone while they pick me apart and tell me things I already know. I have been hurt by men? REALLY? I figured that one out on my own, thanks. I need to date men that don't want to rape me. Great advice doc. Here's $100. I can whine on here, it's free and I bet I'll get better advice
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    1. *hugs*
    2. Dick was even more of a dick then you let on. I know someone who flies big planes with big guns on them...she should visit in said plane.
    3. *more hugs and a slice of rainbow cake*
    4. Don't rush it...just breath. Your not his and he isn't yours. As for the trust issues...yea been there, still there...want a t-shirt? Want my cell? I have unlimited txt's now.
    5. *hugs, rainbow cake slice, banana milk*


    • #3
      Quoth Aethian View Post
      1. *hugs*
      2. Dick was even more of a dick then you let on. I know someone who flies big planes with big guns on them...she should visit in said plane.
      3. *more hugs and a slice of rainbow cake*
      4. Don't rush it...just breath. Your not his and he isn't yours. As for the trust issues...yea been there, still there...want a t-shirt? Want my cell? I have unlimited txt's now.
      5. *hugs, rainbow cake slice, banana milk*
      1. *hugs back* I needed hugs
      2. I could fill a book on how much of a dick Dick is. Example, he told all his friends I cheated on him so he dumped me. He also told everyone I let him borrow my car for 3 months but he trashed it. Then, since he's such a nice guy, he used a favor a buddy owed him to fix it for free. Isn't it funny how I don't remember that at all? I must have amnesia....odd.
      3. CAKE!!! *nums*
      4. I'll try to relax and I have unlimited text too
      5. I haven't had banana milk since I was 8 I miss banana milk
      Answers: $1
      Correct Answers: $2
      Answers that require thought: $5
      Dumb looks are still free.


      • #4
        Make sure you tell Dean how awesome and perfect he is. Seriously. Write it up, in a list of why.
        Since you don't want Dick, you probably don't want his friends either. They at least put up with dickery. Thus, try not to care about Dick's lies.
        Also, I agree with the "he isn't yours, you aren't his" thing...
        I brotz u a meme (that isn't situationally specific enough, but I couldn't find a better one. )

        EDIT: I've had to learn about the 'hurting people' thing. I realized that I had to stand up for myself, because if I didn't get out of <situation>, then I'm hurting me. They are being the thing that hurts me; and that means on some level, they didn't care, or care enough, or cared wrongly. The both of us (in <situation>) can either buck up and deal with it, and live our respective lives joyfully, or become raving stalkers that live in the past and dwell on nothing but the worst in life. ... there was more than that that I had to accept about myself and other people... and I'm still working on it, but... it helped.
        Last edited by teh_blumchenkinder; 07-27-2011, 03:29 AM.
        "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
        "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


        • #5
          Quoth Kisa View Post
          1. *hugs back* I needed hugs
          2. I could fill a book on how much of a dick Dick is. Example, he told all his friends I cheated on him so he dumped me. He also told everyone I let him borrow my car for 3 months but he trashed it. Then, since he's such a nice guy, he used a favor a buddy owed him to fix it for free. Isn't it funny how I don't remember that at all? I must have amnesia....odd.
          3. CAKE!!! *nums*
          4. I'll try to relax and I have unlimited text too
          5. I haven't had banana milk since I was 8 I miss banana milk
          1 *more hugs cause hugs are awesome*
          2 Wow...either you had amnesia or he's a time travelor and thats just a insult to the Dr or Mr. Fox.
          3 I'm loving doing posts like this... I also have rainbw cupcakes but they have no frosting...the dogs "helped" with the frosting...
          4. I also have skype and am on FB.
          5 I have a container of the powder stuff and am almost 30. I luves being an adult and having junk if I want it.


          • #6
            Oh lovely. That's...well to be frank, that's bloody awful! Dick is such a horrid example of humanity, I shudder. And...what was his name...Mark's not better at all. How horrible of him and anyone else to force you into unwanted sexual contact. That's despicable beyond words.

            Dean sounds darling for you, and I agree that you should tell him all the ways he's special to you.

            And if you'd ever like to text me, the offer's there. I have unlimited.
            "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
            "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
            Amayis is my wifey


            • #7
              *hugs Kisa lots*

              I don't know what to say, but *hugs* and .
              1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
     (A blog about everything and nothing)


              • #8
                Quoth Eisa View Post
                Oh lovely. That's...well to be frank, that's bloody awful! Dick is such a horrid example of humanity, I shudder. And...what was his name...Mark's not better at all. How horrible of him and anyone else to force you into unwanted sexual contact. That's despicable beyond words.

                Dean sounds darling for you, and I agree that you should tell him all the ways he's special to you.

                And if you'd ever like to text me, the offer's there. I have unlimited.
                I had an unfortunate streak there Yes, Dean is amazing. I decided I'm going to write him a letter naming all the things I love about him and an explination of why I act the way I do(I tend to have freak outs a lot)
                Answers: $1
                Correct Answers: $2
                Answers that require thought: $5
                Dumb looks are still free.


                • #9
                  Update: He just told me he loves me and her and he wants to be with us both, but he's staying with her since he is already with her.... I am very upset....
                  Answers: $1
                  Correct Answers: $2
                  Answers that require thought: $5
                  Dumb looks are still free.


                  • #10
                    Fuck him.

                    He's not willing to commit to you, you shouldn't be willing to commit to him.

                    He wants his cake and to eat it, as they say.

                    Fuck him. Fuck him sideways.



                    • #11
                      He's a sorry excuse for a human being, tell him to hit the road. People like that do not tend to change, and as long as he can get what he wants without committing he will.

                      Sorry to sound so harsh
                      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                      • #12
                        Hate to say it but '86 him. Don't go with a guy that's not willing to commit. You deserve much better than that.
                        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                        • #13
                          +1 on Forget about him.

                          He can't leave her just now, he doesn't want to hurt/upset her, he loves you both... that's pretty much the standard load of bullshit excuses. Point is, he's got someone, and you are alone, waiting for him, just being his fallback position in case something goes wrong with his current relationship. That sucks, and you deserve better, because everybody deserves better than being led on like that.

                          One piece of advice: date somebody else. Doesn't have to be serious, but will make Dean realize that you aren't a "sure thing", that you have your own life and others that are interested in you. That he'll either have to commit, or lose you. Then you'll have a chance to see his true colors.

                          Or maybe you'll meet another nice guy; can't be just assholes where you live . Maybe try to get a female friend or coworker to introduce you to a friend or relative - that way, you'll at least get a bit of advance warning.
                          You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                          • #14
                            I don't necessarily think he's a jerk or full of BS, but I'll echo the sentiment to not hold out for him at the current time. Since he says he loves both of you but is currently with her, if you hold out for him you'll most likely end up with one of two things. Either you'll just keep suffering heartbreak because he won't leave her, or he will leave her for you, but then if he's willing to break up with her (or cheat on her) for you, what's to say he won't do the same to you? Either option really isn't worth it.
                            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                            • #15
                              my two cents:

                              focus on yourself. are you comfortable in your own skin? do you know what you like? what you want? what you need? find people who enrich your soul.

                              have you found your passion? if so, are you following it?

                              focus on yourself. build a fulfilling life. then you'll attract a person of quality....
                              Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story who you choose to be. So who are you? - Kung Fu Panda 2

