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  • Gift-giving

    Well, here's the thing. I am on a budget since I plan on not working next semester although I may return to retail in March for 10 to 15 hours a week. I planned on only getting something for my best friend (purchased with a gift card) and my Mom, not even my own sisters are getting something. Another thing, I am a pain in the ass to shop for since I do not like the typical girl gifts besides Bath and Body Works.

    So my friend who I dated for a month and he still likes me six months later has decided to get me a gift. I am really upset by this because I wasn't planning on getting him anything and I don't even know if he knows me well enough to know to get something I'd want/use (example: I am happier with a case of Mountain Dew or dinner at a local Chinese place than a popular teen movie or jewelry). I am also frustrated since I feel like I am obligated to get him a gift now and he's not that good of a friend that I know what he would want and it would fit in my budget.

    The thing is I don't want to spend money to get him a gift. I don't have money to spend buying him something. He asked me what I wanted and I said nothing. I didn't go into my whole I don't have money to spare philosophy, but he shouldn't have gotten me anything since I honestly don't want anything that would be in an appropriate price range or wouldn't be awkward to get.

    So should I buy him a present or not? I am really, really pissed about this because I don't want to accidentally "use" him since I know he still likes me even though we aren't dating. I don't like him more than a friend and he knows that.

    So, am I funny about these types of things? How would you feel in a situation where someone likes you more as a friend buys you a gift?

  • #2
    I bake cookies for people I don't want to buy gifts for.

    You would totally be within your rights to tell him "I'm sorry, but money is tight right now so I can't afford to get you a gift."


    • #3
      Who said you have to give a gift?
      You can give smiles.
      I give to a few people who don't give me anything. It is not required to give back. She sends me a card with a thank you and "very nummy" and that's it.

      You could give him a card, but put something that you two remember. (but not really romantic!) Or, what I do? I personalize cards. I get a set of generics for holidays at the dollar store. But when I'm sending them, I doodle little pictures on there, that we would both recognize. This year, I didn't send anything for Xmas to my UK friend. I'm flat broke.
      But I sent an xmas card with doodles and pics and smiles all over it. I took the time to do that, and that's what mattered. He gave me things, but I am unable to reciprocate. So? The card and the care. That's what matters.
      It does.
      In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
      She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


      • #4
        Not everyone who gives gifts expects one in return, or one of equal value. My husband and I could afford to get gifts for all of our friends this year, so we did. We did not ask or tell them, we just did. We did not expect anything in return. We like giving and were able to find some pretty neat things to fit their personalities and wanted them to have these things, so we got them. One of the girls who we gave a gift to gave me a big hug in return, and told me how much she appreciates our friendship, which is more than enough in return. It makes me happy to make my friends happy.

        Of course, we are not and have not been romantically involved with any of these people, either. I would make sure he knows you are not interested in him that way and that you have no intention of getting him a gift which is why you did not want one from him. If he's cool with all that, then no harm, no foul.


        • #5
          If you have any spare money that could be used for a gift, and you really feel obligated to get him something, see if there are any Dollar stores in your area (like Dollar Tree). You can get him something (like a book, DVD, mug, figurine, etc.) for a dollar.

          Otherwise, you could bake something, as has already been suggested.

          "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

          Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!


          • #6
            Well, he said that it's under ten dollars so I don't feel as bad. I really have no idea what he would like. With my friends, I run everything through them first before I buy. I am actually procrastinating in getting my best friend's gift since he's not here and I want to see if I can find something weirder. Last year, I bought him 3d Pac-Man PJ pants. Yes, I got them because they were 3d.

