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Sconces and WTH do I buy

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  • Sconces and WTH do I buy

    So, don't know where else to put this, but:

    I am at a loss as to what kind of light shade I should buy for my wall lamps in the babby's rooms. There are a total of 5 wall-mounted lightbulbs in our home and I have honestly never dealt with their like before. (Seriously, I've only ever had standing/desk lamps and ceiling lights.) The rounded bases on the fixtures are 5x5 inches.

    These are the ones in the kid's rooms:

    And this is my hall light, wonderful fix-it person that I am (I have no idea what I'm doing):

    So my question is, does anyone have any idea of what kind of sconce or shade or whatever I need to get to cover these? We've been here a year and all my research points me at a sconce cover, but I can't find anything in the nearby area (very rural) that would work. I don't want to buy one online only to find it doesn't fit or even work.

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    I have never seen a sconce quite like those before. There are lots of small shades available to cover the light, but they would not cover the base. And the base is not decorative enough to not be covered. I would be more inclined to replace them.

    And just before I clicked post, I came across this:
    Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
    Save the Ales!
    Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


    • #3
      You should be able to buy new face plates at a hardware store. Try the following sites for shades (also can be called chandelier shades)


      • #4
        Wow, I didn't even know you could have custom built lamp shades. Hah, I guess there's a market for everything. I rather like the Fenchel ideas, there, and they are pretty affordable.

        Problem with our area is we went looking for lamp shades in general and were only able to find your traditional table lamp kinds. And short of driving an hour away (which we will have to once the second kiddo arrives), there's not much selection. Dang podunk sticks.

        I'll keep an eye out for chandelier shades in my search, and check out some more options. Thanks for the advice! (If anyone else has any idea, I'm up for it, too!)


        • #5
          I typed "sconce shade" in Google and it came back with a ton of retail sites with a plethora of shades in all different styles.

          I would try to find one that covers the entire fixture to hide the exposed wires, myself.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Yeah, um... Frankly, I'd just buy new fixtures. Lowes Hardware is a good place to look IMO.


            • #7
              We have something like these in our motel rooms, though I actually like this one better:

              Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


              • #8
                Now I just have to talk to the husband and see what he wants to do. He mentioned just removing them and covering the holes. I dunno how we're gonna deal with it...

                Apparently the people who lived in the house before us had five children here (in those two tiny rooms O.o) and never had a problem with the fixtures. I'm not hopeful though. I don't like the damn things.


                • #9
                  I wouldn't do what the hubby suggests just because if you don't cap the wires right it could be a problem.

                  Go to lowes, get some new ones, turn off the breaker to the lights, and change em. Good lights can change a room completely.


                  • #10
                    The exposed wires look ANCIENT - I'd recommend new fixtures (from context, it sounds like you bought the place).

                    The shade in the second picture needs to be replaced - it's not safe. It looks like it was intended for a table or floor lamp, cut away to fit the sconce. That's not the dangerous part - it's designed to clip onto the globe of a type "A" (standard) light bulb, but you're using it with a CFL. The coils are NOT meant to be put under any sort of mechanical stress.
                    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                    • #11
                      Quoth wolfie View Post
                      The exposed wires look ANCIENT - I'd recommend new fixtures (from context, it sounds like you bought the place).

                      The shade in the second picture needs to be replaced - it's not safe. It looks like it was intended for a table or floor lamp, cut away to fit the sconce. That's not the dangerous part - it's designed to clip onto the globe of a type "A" (standard) light bulb, but you're using it with a CFL. The coils are NOT meant to be put under any sort of mechanical stress.
                      We're renting, but our landlord is letting us fix up the place for discounts on rent money. It works out, but the trailer is quote old and can't be replaced. If we were to move in a new trailer, we'd have to find a new place to live because PA has a law that every house or whatever has to be situated on at least 2 acres of land.

                      That second picture is actually a table shade, yes, which is why I said I don't know what I'm doing. I realize it's a hazard. I don't put the lampshade on if I can help it (it is resting the coil on top of the CFL bulb, though). I'm ashamed to say that I had no regular light bulbs in the house but I did switch it out right away. Those things are nice but not very bright for the way the hallway is set up.

                      I talked to husband and he said that we would get new fixtures, but for now we are blocking them off from tiny fingers (they are roughly 6 feet off the floor) and taping the exposed bits and socket with Gorilla tape to keep them from being exposed. My poor home is all tore up.

