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Hello fellow survivors of all that is the nadir of humanity.

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  • Hello fellow survivors of all that is the nadir of humanity.

    *Cue initial De-lurking and Babble-O-Meter turning on.* Well, first my standard disclaimer. I usually lurk, but when I de-lurk and post, I am generally long winded, and tend to digress, so kindly bear with my rather rambling posts.

    Well then with that out of the way, on with the nitty-gritty of introductions.

    Long time reader first time poster, currently residing in my igloo in the delightfully weather screwed town of Toronto, Ontario (It is spring, but DAMN! you would never know it, warm and sunny, snowy, and rainy, all within the span of a week or so). I like My Babies (my lovely collection of electronic toys and doo-dads), rhythm games (see user name), the internet (spam and porn filled wasteland though it may be), double-entendre's (see signature) and reading about the trials and tribulations of others (my honestly main reason for visiting this site, what can I say, I love schadenfreude). I dislike excessive smilies (They eat your BRAIN!!!), SC's and all they entail, (which should go without saying), people who stab you in the back (I do all my stabbing face to face), people who think L33T is a real language or a proper substitution for English (DIE DIE DIE!!!! Or, in a way you can understand, l)l)l)l)11111133333!!!!!!.... ugh I feel filthy now..), people who use f**k 5 times a sentence (COME ON PEOPLE! It is supposed to be a vulgarity, it is supposed to stand for something extreme, it is not meant to be a word tossed around casually to substitute for every 3rd word to hide your horribly uncreative and lacking vocabulary!), and my old boss slash former friend slash potential assassination target *Pulls out whacky stick* (You didn't saw NOTHING)!

    Though I registered on the old board WAY back when, I never got around to posting thanks to life deciding that it was as good a time as any to bend me over sideways to do MANY various unmentionable things to me. (Funny thing is it was NOT a customer or job related problem that FUBARed everything, BIG SHOCK! Trust me.)

    Anyway, don't know how many stories I can share, at least with any frequency, as I now enjoy employment as a graveyard shift security guard for a site that is......
    1. Locked up and nearly empty at night before I even get on site. WOOT!
    2. Access card entrance only after hours. NO RANDOM PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH!!!
    3. I get along with the few co-workers I have. Accent on the FEW of them fact, which is also one of the few sources of problems with my job.
    4. Virtually empty at night with free wireless internet, supplied to my darling baby Compaq with compliments of the Snobby Elitist Chauvinist Club across the street.
    5. A WONDERFUL supervisor who doesn't mind me playing on my various electric darlings as long as my patrols and paperwork are all properly done.
    6. Not a very big building so I know most of the people who work VERY late or VERY early combined with....
    7. The fact I am off duty a mere 30 minutes after it opens and before the crowds come, and....
    8. I am on good terms with the after hours contractors, of whom there are not that many.
    Because of all this, I rarely interact with unpleasant and/or unfriendly people. Due to this lack of SC'ness I don't have many stories to share about my current job.

    I had plenty when I first registered and was working at a small video game store up the street from me, but now that I am away from there I try to let the bad memories of super suck flow out into the ether of nothingness and far away from me. I know they are there, I feel their attempt to eat my complacent and happy mind, but I try not to think to hard on them.

    It's funny you know.... even memories of working with my most beloved thing, my religion, my life's blood, video games, can be so tainted with the tragedy of general human populous interaction that I want to forget about 90% of it. How many times have I wished (as most of you certainly have) that my boss (nice guy that he is.... uh was back then.... stupid greedy Mr. Hyde-esque jack-ass that he is now) was more like the Video Game retail and retail in general god, THE GORD!!!!!! *Cue heavenly choir of angels.* Of course, if we all had more Gord's, this site would probably not exist and we would see Planet Flea-Bag with about a googol more letters.

    Of course, some of the stories on this site hoist me by my own petard and dredge the evil memories up sometimes, but I just can't stop reading. Guess that is price I pay for schadenfreude (my FAVORITE big word). *Le Sigh* Anyway glad to be here with my fellow sufferers of the human stupidity gene that spreads SOOOOOO rapidly.

    *Looks back at post* Umm... think that covers it. *Wonders how many introduction posts end up this long, then decides he has more important concerns as his PSP seems to be getting lonely. Turns off his Babble-O-Meter and re-lurks to concentrate on robot explodey goodness instead.*
    "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
    James from Pokémon.

  • #2
    *Stops blowing up Robots and Werewolf sheep and De-Lurks long enough to realize he should add one more thing*

    Oh, I realized I might as well add another disclaimer. Yes, I gave away a LOT of information in my post, but anyone who is concerned that I gave too many details, don't be. I am not worried, and even if anyone from where I worked DID come here and happen to figure out who I am, not actually that easy, it would make no difference for a multitude of reasons.

    So that aside........

    *Realizes how proud he is to make a post less then 1000 words, then stops caring and goes back to excessive video game violence.*
    "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
    James from Pokémon.


    • #3
      Well, welcome, or, welcome back, ?, I guess. In sharp contrast to your loquacious introduction, I will keep my greeting short and sweet. So, here it is:

      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Oh, I felt the need to add, I, too, have little to post about my current job, but that doesn't stop me, oh no! I find reading others' trials and tribulations tends to bring the memories back to the surface. And occasionally the perfect jokey comeback or bit of useful advice pops into my head as well, and so I share. So feel free to reach back through the years and share whatever comes floating by...
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          to CS, Velfarre2001

          Quite an introduction.
          Great posts.

          Glad you've joined us.
          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

