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  • Hello!

    I'm new and I happened to stumble upon this site last night and thought that it looked like one of the best sites ever to exist so, here I am.

    And I work as a part of customer service for a grocery store.

  • #2
    Welcome! I think you'll like it here - we have comfy furniture, free chocolate and a spa!
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      to CS, GoldFinch.
      This really is a great site. I found it by accident one night, and I've never left. (Oh, except to sleep and work and stuff associated with having a life, but other than that...I never leave. )

      Now...I must be off to find that chocolate and spa. (Nobody told me it was free. Waaah. )
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #4
        Hey there Goldfinch! Welcome!

        I could use that spa...been running around all day in flip flops. On the bright side, the dog didn't pee on the floor while I was gone...

        Dammit, he just pooped. And he was just out 15 minutes ago! Dam dog....he's lucky he's cute.

        Oh, yeah, we're welcoming people...Hi!!
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

