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Good Evening

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  • Good Evening

    Good Evening
    The public doesn't know anything about wasting government money. We are the experts.

  • #2
    And now, good afternoon, everyone!

    It's taking me a while to get used to all this technology; my secretary, Bernard, usually handles that side of things.

    However, I think I am getting used to it; and, indeed, may even venture to insert what I believe is called a "Smiley" here:

    Oh, that was easy!

    Now, I have been a civil servant for many, many years; confidentiality, however, prevents me from relating stories of, er, shall we say, "sucky customers" I have encountered over my working life. I apologise for that, but once you have signed the Official Secrets Act, you are bound for life; and I do not desire to face execution for treason!

    However, before joining the Civil Service, I was employed at various diverse professions, from bingo caller, to bricklayer, to call centre worker, to salesman; so I will, in time, be able to relate stories of "sucky customers" I have encountered during those periods of employment.

    Please bear with me, as I am what I believe is termed a "newbie", and though I have been "lurking" for some time this is my first real "post."

    I continue to enjoy this website enormously - it has brightened many a dull afternoon between committee meetings and the onerous demands of my exalted position.

    Hope this is helpful

    Yours sincerely,

    Sir Humphrey
    The public doesn't know anything about wasting government money. We are the experts.


    • #3
      Another Brit? I'm breeding them!

      Get stuck in, mate.



      • #4
        Quoth Rapscallion
        Another Brit? I'm breeding them!

        Get stuck in, mate.
        Thank you, Sir. I do believe I will.

        Your obedient servant,

        Sir Humphrey
        The public doesn't know anything about wasting government money. We are the experts.


        • #5
          to CS, Sir Humphrey

          Gee, another Brit?
          How odd....we don't get too many of you guys around this place.
          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


          • #6
            I can assure you that customer service is as bad in the UK as it is in the US, or anywhere else.

            It appears that Sucky Customers are a global phenomenon!


            Sir Humphrey
            The public doesn't know anything about wasting government money. We are the experts.

