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  • Newbage

    Good day all,

    After being hooked on these forums and laughing my tail off for quite a while, I finally registered. I'm a 30-something lab slave in the Midwest USA. I worked fast food to get through Jr. High and retail to get through High School, spent 12 years in the military, and now I test water, coal, and soil samples at a small laboratory. I love science and eventually want to work in archaeoastronomy, (astronomy of the ancient cultures).

    I am divorced, no kids, three cats and a skink, and female. I'm a gamer geek, sci-fi writer, and avid reader.

    My latest SC was a customer who regularly sends in filthy water samples full of who-knows-what, with no notice, and wants them tested NOW NOW NOW with a discount; because, you see, he's suuuuuch a good customer! His paperwork never matches what he actually sends, and there is never enough sample to run all the analysis he wants. In addition, he invariably wants special tests run that we have told him countless times we do not have the equipment to run!

    So, in essence, the idiots with no education that I handled in retail are no different from the idiots with PhD's that I run into now.

    Hang in there, everyone. And thanks for this space.


  • #2
    SQUEEEEE!!! NEWBIE!!! *pounce*


    Hi Welcome!
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      Welcome to the boards!

      Nice to know smart doesn't equal 'common sense' or even 'polite'!
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        She didn't say smart, she said well-edu-ma-cated.
        I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

