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Hello World!

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  • Hello World!

    My spatula is at your service

    I just want to say firstly, my Spatula and Spatula Hand are at your service for whatever use you may have for it. Personally, I prefer Sucky Customers and the occasional idiot employee.

    I’ve worked at a certain Midwest grocery store chain for five years or so. I’ve also held some rather odd and interesting jobs during that time as well (labor monkey for a printer, inventory manager, waitress-trainee (oh the stories!) babysitter...)

    At my job I work in a food service area so I am, naturally, farther under the food chain of pretty much everyone else on the planet. Furthermore, I am the middle manager. This means that when my manager doesn’t want to do something (which is a lot…) I get stuck doing it. And when the underlings start running around like rabid hedgehogs, I’m the one that must round them up and give them their shots. (Which is funny because there’s at least five other people on the same section of the payroll that don’t get stuck with these jobs…)

    This means I have a LOT of stories and a lot of stress. I really enjoy a site where other people agree that the customer is always right. Where I work, if the customer says the sky is lime green, the sky is an attractive shade of lime green.

    Anyways, I’ll stop my babbling. I must say thank you again and if you find yourself in need of an implement for slapping, flipping, or cutting, allow me to provide my Spatula.

  • #2

    Just remember CS does not condone violence! Unless it was in self defense in which case spatula away!

    Be sure to read Da Rulz before posting to avoid being modhammered.

    Rule #1: Do not drink anything when reading CS. Your computer will thank you.

    EQ has the cookies, Smiley has the Astro Burgers, and Raps has the furry man boobs.

    So without further ado to .


    • #3
      What SG said! Though he forgot to mention that the is to your right!

      Be very very wary when drinking, that canNOT be emphasized enough!

      And btw, mentioning spatulas has me thinking Ranma 1/2 now...woo hoo...


      • #4
        Erm, my mother broke a spatula (metal) over my worthy (& deserving) ass once.

        I fear i'd better hide from you.
        I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
        Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
        Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


        • #5
          Welcome to the amazing madness! You've been directed to the rulez, cookies, astro burgers, man-boobs, and brain bleach, so you ought to find your way just fine!
          "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light

