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  • Salutations!

    Been a lurker for a while now. I live in a land I shall refer to as "JohnDeereistan" and I used to work retail at a local grocery store, so I can relate to many of the horror stories revolving around helmet-worthy customers.

    After College(tm) I got into graphic design - so now I work with a whole different kind of customer (not better, just different). I used to work at a print shop (have quite a few war stories from that) and now work at a Newspaper, so it's gone from dealing with the customers to dealing with the Ad Reps dealing with customers. Still much suck to be found, though a lot of it now revolves around co-workers and office politics, not so much the actual customers.

    Which brings up a question: I do have some sucky customers, and it's obvious where those posts should go - but many posts would deal with the OfficeMonkeys I work with; where should those posts go? Do they have a place here?

    It's very cathartic to be able to read about others issues and gaze in awe at the horrible crap some (very venerable) souls have to put up with on a daily basis.

    "Always take a moment to thank the food." - Osage Proverb
    Meat is murder, tasty, tasty murder.
    Backpfeifengesicht: German for a face that cries out for a fist in it.

  • #2
    to , NaM.

    As for your sucky co-workers, those tales would got in the Sucky Co-Workers section.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3

      Actually Andara it's called the Calling Out Coworkers section.


      • #4

        Actually, I had meant to link to it, too, but I got distrac- ... ooh, shiny!

        .... er... where was I again?

        Look, a link! ----> Cursing Out Coworkers

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Welcome NaM.

          And for managers/supervisors, etc., Morons in Management.

