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IQ Tests should be required.....

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  • IQ Tests should be required.....

    Hello to all, I am a CSR for a rather large cell phone provider, on average I talk to around 60 - 70 customers a day. Without fail within those 60 or 70 people are those lucky few who are extremely "special". I often wonder why someone would buy and attempt to use a cell phone that can pretty much do everything for you but cook dinner, when they themselves are barely smart enough to remember to breathe....


    Me: thank you for calling ***wireless city***, this is *spitfire* how can i help you....

    Lady: Uh...I need ta axe you a question, my phone not workn...

    Me: (was that the question?)...I'm sorry to hear that, I see you are using the ***high end data device, with all the bells and whistles possible**** how long has the device been inoperable?

    Lady: whut you mean?

    Me: When was the last time you were able to use your phone..

    Lady: I don't know....

    Me:.........? Uh, you don't know how long it hasn't worked?

    Lady: Oh! (laughs) It hasn't ever worked, not since I got it, like a week ago.
    I plugged in that charger thing and waited and it charged, so I tried to use it and the screen just has letters all over it and they won't git off of there and when I punch them buttons nothing happens.

    Me: the screen has "letters" on it? Do the letters say anything?

    Lady: No, they don't say nuthin the sound doesn't work....

    Me: (now I'm confused)...the sound?

    Lady: You axed if the letters said anything, I don't know cuz the sound aint working either....

    Me: (OMG!!!!) Oh ok, I meant do the letters spell anything, are there words on the screen or just random letters?

    Lady: I don't know....

    Me: You don't know if there are words or random letters?

    Lady: no....

    Me: can you read me the letters that are on the screen?

    Lady: I can tell you what the letters are but I don't know how to read....

    Me: (you have got to be friggin kidding me!!!!) Ok, just tell me what each letter is....

    Lady: I. N. S. E. R. T. S. I. M (Insert Sim)

  • #2
    Hey there, spitfire2713.

    Where did ya go?

    This was your only post.

    I hope you weren't discouraged by the waiting period for new members' posts.

    I hope to see you back with us again.

    I apologize for missing you before this. I guess I missed an entire page of posts back in January. I'm about 4 weeks in with a broken wrist and typing isn't the easiest.

    Anyway, to CS.
    Last edited by Ree; 03-18-2007, 10:04 PM.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

