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New Member - Returning to retail

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  • New Member - Returning to retail

    Just wanted to say hello. I've been a lurker for the last couple months and decided to officially join. I'm currently a software engineer but I took a second job as a computer technician at a large computer chain for some extra money and because I sort of missed the retail environment. I'm going to probably deal with a lot of customers over the phone and assist people on the sales floor with some technical stuff so it should be interesting. I was also an assistant manager, a delivery driver, and an insider for a pizza joint before getting out of retail and I have plenty of stories that I, hopefully, will share with you guys in the future.

  • #2
    , volatile!

    Can't wait to hear your stories!
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      to CS, volatile.

      Great posts so far, but it's been a couple of weeks since I've seen you around.

      Hope you'll be active again soon.

      Sorry I am so late in welcoming you.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

