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Hi, I'm new and need some help

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  • Hi, I'm new and need some help

    So, hey.

    I've been lurking here for a long while, almost a couple of years. I've been in the service industry for almost 10. I've worked in gas stations, retail stores and behind fast food counters.

    The reason why I've finally decided to show myself isn't really to tell a recent horror story but rather to get some help with my homework. I am an art student and I am currently taking an ad design class.

    The assignment calls for a poster design that focuses on a social issue. I decided to do one on Abusive Customer Behavior. The problem is that researching a topic like this is really difficult. Most the time Google pulls up pro-customer information, critical responses to "poor" customer service, company policies that condone abusive customer behavior, however thinly disguised and general "the customers always right" customer care bullshit.

    The only leads I have so far are this site, a few studies on customer rage and Office Space.

    Really I am looking for visual icons that embody the service industry: Name tag styles, flare, help desk counters, and mostly things I may not have thought of.

    I appreciate any help I can get.

    Oh, and thank you for creating this site. It makes the world a better place.

  • #2
    Welcome aboard!

    I think you'd get a better response if you posted in the Off Topic section about your need for visual images. However, don't let that stop you from posting your own horror (or amusing) stories.



    • #3
      Ah, so you're still alive and kickin' eh, E (aka Rapscallion to you lot).

      Best of luck with the project as well, CM, and sorry for the thread hijacking.
      Last edited by Ree; 03-18-2007, 01:56 PM.


      • #4
        Hey, couchmonkey.
        to CS.

        I realize a bit of time has passed since this was posted, but I did a bit of editing with this thread. First of all, I gave Roir a separate thread so it wasn't so much of a thread hijack. (I edited the first post in that new thread to remove the thread hijacking reference.)

        Secondly, I copied this thread into Off Topic for you. I'm hoping members might see it there and offer up some help.

        Since this was your only post, I can only assume that was your only reason for coming here, but I hope you will reconsider and join in the forums.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

