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  • Hello!


    Yes...I have FINALLY gone nuts!

    I am a Girl who works for one of the UKs leading Pharmacy chains. my love of Pharmacy in general brought me there (aswell as progression in the field) but it could not prepare me for the sheer horrors of human behaviour I have seen!! the lack of basic courtesy, the total disregard of common sense! the absolute idiocy!

    I have witnessed the dregs of bad attitude forced on me by these CRAZY people!

    Its time to take a stand!

    in fact I really dont even know where to start, I guess I best relate afew of my anecdotes for you all in the forums everything from strange staff right up to customers who 'know their rights'.

    Let me know what you think

  • #2
    Get in and get venting I'm still somewhat surprised (pleasantly) by the number of Brits we have on the board.



    • #3
      The Method Of My Madness

      Well Yes! Though not being English myself Its taken alot to get used to this crazyness!

      I urge you all to realize that Bad customer culture has reached its peek here!
      Even on my days off and I am foolish enough to see daytime gives them ideas! the Claims culture has reached the UK too!

      All day long there are adverts during daytime TV about 'No Win,No Fee' lawyers, so many dumb british customers like to threaten you with Trading standards over a ticket wrong by around 20pence or look for places to trip over instore!!

      I even saw a arrogant woman let her brat of a unruly child mess about with the cough linctus bottles (even after it was pointed out to her by staff) until the child dropped one, then she promptly demanded "A bottles been smashed over there, you better clean it up before someone trips and sues you..."

      NOW you understand why I finally became......The Pharmacy Maniac -.-


      • #4
        There are Brits here?

        When did that start?


        Also, welcome to the board!
        Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


        • #5
          I thought they were just expatriated australians???

          How do you tell the diff?

          Jay kay.....


          • #6
            Oh, no, not THEIR RIGHTS!!! Just watch out for "the principle"...*shudder* Welcome
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              to CS, PharmacyManiac

              Great posts so far.

              I look forward to more.
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

