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Greetings from cold places

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  • Greetings from cold places

    Greetings, all.

    I'm Vel. Discovered this site some years ago, signed up some long time after that, and never posted. I was between jobs at the time; funnily enough, once I found work I seemingly lost the ability to peruse my usual list of forums... okay, so I moved to a place without internet access (if you knew me, you'd realise this is like taking oxygen from a... from an oxygen-breather, I guess?). Point being - I recalled such long lost days, and have returned. Still working, but less with the without-internet.

    I've done my share of customer service work, and probably have a story or two to tell (if I can remember them). But these days, I work nights in a very customer-lacking world (old-fangled newspapers, if anyone is wondering). But recent and progressively mind-boggling events with a semi-co-worker have led me to believe I may have something to share with you after all. Thus, in anticipation of such a time, I wish to say 'greetings and salutations!'


    Okay, so what I'm really trying to say is: hi!

    I'll leave it at that.

    ~ Vel

  • #2
    Welcome to CS!
    Don't know where the 'cold places' are but I'm envious, LOL.
    I'm a former newspaper person myself. I like your description of it as a 'customer-lacking world' -- ain't that the truth ...


    • #3
      Thank you!

      'Cold places' would be south-eastern Australia. Far, far too cold for my liking.

      Customer-lacking during the good times. There are those days, however (like this morning... ugh) when things go wrong and you're forced to face the irritable, barely conscious customers. But all in all, it's not so bad.

