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Hi's and Hugs to All!

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  • Hi's and Hugs to All!

    Greetings to all! I'll make this short
    Long time reader of The Devil's Panties so when I saw the link to Customers Suck comic I just had to join

    I have worked in a large chain across the US Retail Store as long as I can remember and was eventually promoted to Customer Service for my "Sucking up to customers" Skill which I didn't mind doing but thats another story

    well having worked for only two years at Customer Service and made some friends since I was placed as the residing manager (didn't want to be because I'm too nice for my own good) I was screwed over by who I thought was a good friend of mine. Apparently not, he took over the register as I normally had him do but it was on MY sign in numbers and not his and he took money from the register and I got fired for it

    long ending shortened I had no hard feelings to the other employees there since it was policy etc but said ex-friend got fired for cashing his OWN bad checks (which is a HUGE no-no, can't cash your own checks from your bank a supervisor must do that) and he got caught and was fired I didn't say anything but was glad to find out he cannot be hired for ANYTHING above manual labor

    so I know what its like to deal with "unusual" customers to put it lightly and backstabbing co-workers...and worstly office politics...there ARE good customers and co-workers but I have yet to see this where I am....

    anyways thank you! sorry if this is too long please edit as you see fit to Mods thank you!

  • #2
    Sounds like a fine introduction. Get in and get posting



    • #3
      Hey, LexiaFira.
      I think I may have already welcomed you via PM, but this makes it more official.

      to CS.

      You're off to a great start. Wonderful posts.

      It's great to see a new member so active.
      I'm glad you've joined us.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #4
        Thank you Rapscallion and Ree!
        I haven't worked in direct retail for about four years now so most of my stories are rather old but still hillarious! if not annoying

