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Rhymes with book

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  • Rhymes with book

    On Friday, I went to read on my "not difficult tactile sense" e-reader and the screen was messed up...lines running across most of the screen and a dark patch in a corner. I tried rebooting it on the hopes that the screen would come back normal, but that didn't improve anything. After a little bit of research on the web, I found this is a somewhat common problem with my brand of e-reader. So, hubby and I went to "Barns and No Bull" to see if anything could be done. I was thinking I was SOL because I had got it around March or maybe even as early as February two years ago and the extended warranty would have just lapsed. I went up the the gentleman at the customer service desk and asked if anything could be done. He asked if I got the warranty, and I said we had, and I thought it was about two years ago. So, he called the number that deals with e-readers talked with somebody for a moment or two, checked on availability with somebody in the back of the store, and next thing I know a lady is walking up to the desk with a replacement e-reader for me. It was a "pre-owned" one, but hell I was ecstatic to get anything. As soon as I got a chance, I posted on FB about how great Barns and No Bull's customer service was and how "Rhymes with Book" stands behind their products, etc. I was just about to post the story in the Praising forum and then it dawned on me. I got my e-reader in 2012 and had only had it a little over a year, not the 25-26 months that I was thinking. I was still under warranty and nobody actually went out of their way to help me out.
    (Though I am going to let hubby keep thinking they did...maybe I can get one of the tablet ones from them for Xmas or my birthday this year. )

  • #2
    Same thing happened to me with my laptop. Sort of. Thought the warranty must be up, but lo and behold, it's not!


    • #3
      At my last tech job, most of the tablets (be them "book", or "smolder", "Pod People", etc) were unrepairable unless they were a couple of years old. (easier to replace than fix)

      The only issue we had was... if they were under "company warranty", then replacing them fulfilled the warranty. Meaning, the customer had to buy another warranty if they wanted it covered again.

      For most issues that wasn't entirely bad. I mean it was cheaper to pay that, vs buying a whole new item. However sometimes it was silly - like when the issue was a bad power cord. Had a customer where I told him, we could fix/replace it for him but he'd have to pay (about 70 or so) for a (2 or 3 year) warranty... but since it was just a power cord, he might want to try going through the manufacturer first and seeing if they're replace the cord for him. cos that way he'd still have the original warranty.

