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Beano for the brain

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  • Beano for the brain

    Fun little burps in digestible format.

    SC: Silly customers, varying in age and gender.

    Me: Oh lord, pulling a double shift? I can taste music.

    Deep Jungle

    SC: Excuse me, would you happen to have D Jungle?

    Me: Django Unchained?

    SC: no, it's DEE, Jungle.

    Me: *googles Dee Jungle, Djungle, Deep Jungle* Hmm, well, maybe it's under another name? I googled Deep Jungle and it gave me a screenshot of Cannibal Holocaust.

    SC: *looks at my screen, sees Deep Jungle in the search bar* No, it's a letter, DEE Jungle.

    Me:... Let me try something. *googles Django Unchained*

    SC: That's it! D Jungle!

    Me: Sir. That's the movie I suggested first. It's Django Unchained.

    SC: Oh, I don't know the other characters. Who's Chained?

    Me: *internal head desk* Unchained is his STATUS, he begins the movie as a slave but he's freed. Therefore, he's unchained.

    SC: Oh.

    Me: And the D is silent.

    So close and yet so far

    SC is a 15-16 year old girl, looking at my relaxing music display. It's a big plastic thing with squares to pick the sample you wanna hear. The controls are under the pictures, two speaker icons with volume down/volume up on each side of a big numerical lighted display in neon green. Roughly 3 inches large.

    Volume Down |32| Volume up.

    She picks a sample, pushes the volume down button and the music goes down. So now she wants it to go up.

    So she looks at the display... struggles a bit... and lifts an unsure finger to the numbers.

    And pushes.

    It's not working. So she pushes harder.

    And harder.

    And doesn't understand why it doesn't work.

    I actually understand why you do that

    Speaking of the relaxing music display, I got lil kids that don't understand the concept of a push button. Instead of pushing on the buttons, they tap on them.
    Tablet/smartphone gen.

    Context clues?

    SC: Yes, I'm calling for my son, do you have any DSes?

    Me: A DS or a 3DS? (it's like calling every console under the sun a "Nintendo", so I gotta make sure...)

    SC: What's the difference?

    Me: The 3D.

    SC: The what?

    Me: The 3DS can play games in 3 dimensions. Not the DS.

    SC: So what's the difference?

    Me: The 3DS is newer and plays 3D games.

    SC: But what's the difference?

    Me: ...

    Please do not vandalize the walls

    Lately I've been making character displays for the walls, trying to make our store a lil more original and less depressing.

    Was working on the computer when I suddenly hear a loud snap; a semi-regular attempted to rip the Mario & Luigi one right off the wall. It holds there with tack paste so in attempting to remove it, he almost ripped Mario's arm off. jeezusseffinkriest dun do that! Ask! I do commissions too, you know!

    Exhibit A, Exhibit B

    Exhibit A: You rush to my counter and ask me if I have music. Your back is turned to my Walls of CDs (2 walls + 2 rotating displays + one large stationary display). You are forgiven.

    Exhibit B: You very slowly and carefully browse, nay, INSPECT my store. Fiddle a bit in my CDs. Look deeply and in detail at everything. You then come up to my counter and ask me if I have music.
    You are an asshole.

    Also I was told recently I didn't have a lot of choice in my music. please refer to the parenthesis in Exhibit A.

    He was looking for Pink Floyd and somehow missed the top row of the first rotating display that had nothing but Pink Floyd.


    SC: Do you have the newest album of Jason Lewsted?

    Me: Jason... Lewsted?


    Me: Do you know who Alfred Yankovic is?

    SC: huh?

    Me: Exactly.

    Me: And it's Newsted. With an N.
    Last edited by Shironu-Akaineko; 07-26-2013, 12:23 AM.
    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.

  • #2
    For the DS one...just sell them the model that gives your store the most profit. That's what I'd do.

    Who just rips stuff off a store's walls? Oh wait, forgot what site I'm on.

    Also, for what it's worth I don't know who Jason Newsted is either. (I did get to see Alfred Yankovic live in concert last week. )
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


    • #3
      I didn't know either, but I google fast and Google likes to suggest the correct spelling of names.

      For some reason my buyer doesn't keep DSes/ 3DSes in stock. I keep telling him people like to buy off the shelves and not have to wait for special ordered consoles, but he won't listen...

      (bonus pet peeve: People that call the 3DS the DS3. It burns my bonbons about as much as "The normal DS" when asked the question "What model DS do you have?")
      Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

      "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


      • #4
        Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
        For some reason my buyer doesn't keep DSes/ 3DSes in stock. I keep telling him people like to buy off the shelves and not have to wait for special ordered consoles, but he won't listen...
        When I bought my DSi, the first place I went didn't have the one I wanted. I walked out the door and bought it somewhere else. I've been burned by the "We'll order one in for you." I never got it.
        I think he's worried about having too much stock on hand and get stuck with them when the new version comes out. It's almost like he doesn't understand that he can a few on the shelf and order a replacement when one sells.


        • #5
          Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
          Also I was told recently I didn't have a lot of choice in my music. please refer to the parenthesis in Exhibit A.

          He was looking for Pink Floyd and somehow missed the top row of the first rotating display that had nothing but Pink Floyd.
          Now where's the smiley that bashes his head against The Wall?
          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


          • #6
            Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
            Me: *googles Dee Jungle, Djungle, Deep Jungle*
            annnndddddd....... I'll now have Bow Wow Wow's See Jungle running through my head the rest of the day. Thanks Shironu!

            Nice write up, I commend your patience.


            • #7
              Quoth wolfie View Post
              Now where's the smiley that bashes his head against The Wall?
              We still have one in stock:

              And none are coming in on the next truck, sad to say.
              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


              • #8
                Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                We still have one in stock:

                And none are coming in on the next truck, sad to say.
                Oh, I know you have some in the back. There's always some in the back.
                "They gave me a badge with my name on it. In case I forget who I am." Dr Who - Closing Time

                "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Adam Savage-Mythbusters

