...which airport you are going to!
Our pet sitter offered to drive us to the airport. He's Hubby's buddy so Hubs made the arrangements.
So the morning comes and our ride starts heading north. Which was the wrong direction.
Hubs: "Umm...just had a thought...you DO know we are going to [Big City Airport], right?"
Turns out, our ride thought we just needed to go across town to Local Airport when we really needed Big City Airport 2 hours away!
In Hubby's defense, our ride should have questioned our need to arrive at Small Local Airport 4 hours early, but yeah. Whoops. Our ride didn't seem too bothered by the extra commute, fortunately.
I told Hubs next time we need to arrange a ride to the airport, he needs to clarify WHICH airport...
Our pet sitter offered to drive us to the airport. He's Hubby's buddy so Hubs made the arrangements.
So the morning comes and our ride starts heading north. Which was the wrong direction.
Hubs: "Umm...just had a thought...you DO know we are going to [Big City Airport], right?"
Turns out, our ride thought we just needed to go across town to Local Airport when we really needed Big City Airport 2 hours away!
In Hubby's defense, our ride should have questioned our need to arrive at Small Local Airport 4 hours early, but yeah. Whoops. Our ride didn't seem too bothered by the extra commute, fortunately.
I told Hubs next time we need to arrange a ride to the airport, he needs to clarify WHICH airport...