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Idiot Cop

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  • Idiot Cop

    Had an incident the other day at a 4 way stop in my town. I was stopped and, directly across from me, was a Sheriff's officer who was also stopped. I was planning on going straight through the intersection and, as such, I had no blinker on. The cop also had no blinker on so I assumed he was also going straight. So I started to move through the intersection. Half way through the intersection the cop cuts to his left, crossing the intersection and cutting directly in front of me. No blinker, no flashers, nothing. Of course, it would be difficult to turn on his blinkers since he was using his left hand to hold a cell phone up to his head. So, as I usually do when I see cops causing a danger to the public or violating traffic laws, I honked my horn and flashed my high beams at him, in accordance with the law.

    He whips his head around to look at me with a pissed off look, throws on his blue lights, cuts in front of someone else who was at the stop sign to my right, makes a U-Turn and gets behind me. But when he gets behind me he does not have his blue lights on. So I continue moving forward. I get to the entrance of the highway and I turn onto it and he just keeps going straight and I left him behind me.

    I was disappointed that he didn't pull me over because I would have had a great video as I told him that he violated 2 traffic laws while I violated none and, when I would've asked him why he pulled me over and he would've said that I honked my horn at him I would've said, "There's no law against that, is there?" He would've had to admit that, no there wasn't. "So if I violated no law, then you have no reason to detain me so that means I'm free to go." Of course this would have been after I explained to him in detail that, just because he's a cop, he has to obey the traffic laws and he almost caused an accident because of his distracted driving.

    Instead, nothing happened other than him trying to scare me by tailing me for 1 quarter mile.

  • #2
    I hope he does it again - only this time, the person he cuts off is an off-duty cop at a higher (state or federal) level.
    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


    • #3
      Post the vieo to Youtube. Then send the chief a link.
      Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
      Save the Ales!
      Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


      • #4
        I honked at a VA state trooper because he was rolling 5 under with just his back blues on. I ended up beside him with 20 cars stacked up and afraid to pass. He was leaning on the window and on the phone. No clue he was screwing up traffic. I got his attention, he nodded, killed his lights and I just rolled past.
        Sarcasm dear, sarcasm. I’m well aware that dealing with civilians in any capacity will skin your faith in humanity alive, then pickle anything that remains so as to watch it shrivel up into an immortal husk thus reminding you of how dead inside you now are.


        • #5
          I remember honking at a cop in South Carolina who was PARKED in the passing lane of a highway (Not an interstate highway but one of those 55 MPH ones with two lanes on each side and a median. He had no brake lights, blinkers, hazards or cop lights AND it was an unmarked regular car. What was he doing? Talking to a guy on a freaking tractor on the other side of the highway.

          So I got behind him and wailed on the horn thinking it was just a regular guy. He got pissed off, floored it, flew off the road, I passed and then he whipped behind me with his flashers. Then he gets on his PA system and orders me out of the car. I get out and he just starts berating me with rage. I told him, "Sir, YOU WERE PARKED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMNED HIGHWAY! YOU SEE THIS!? THIS IS A GODDAMNED HIGHWAY! YOU HAVE NO LIGHTS, NO BLINKERS, NO FLASHERS, NO HAZARDS. I COULD'VE RAN INTO THE BACK OF YOU AND YOU WOULD'VE KILLED ME AND MY GRANDMOTHER (who was in the passenger seat). PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE REASON HORNS ARE FACTORY INSTALLED IN EVERY VEHICLE!!! YOU WANT TO PUSH THIS? YOU WANT TO ARREST ME OR CITE ME? I'LL REPORT YOU TO YOUR SUPERIOR OR BRING THIS OUT IN COURT AND WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU!"

          He sees my point and tells me to "get the fuck out of here and lay off the horn next time."

          I told him, "I will continue to use my horn for its intended purpose. To honk at people like you." I got in my car and left.


          • #6
            One slow tractor-trailer + one not-quite-so-slow tractor-trailer trying to pass it + that SC (interesting how both meanings apply) cop parked in the passing lane = one dead cop. NOBODY has built a car which, when parked, can withstand being rear-ended by a big rig traveling at highway speed.
            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


            • #7
              Here in C-ville, VA we had a cop run over a guy in a wheelchair, then arrest the guy. it turned out the cop had been texting on his cell phone.


              • #8
                Quoth wolfie View Post
                One slow tractor-trailer + one not-quite-so-slow tractor-trailer trying to pass it + that SC (interesting how both meanings apply) cop parked in the passing lane = one dead cop. NOBODY has built a car which, when parked, can withstand being rear-ended by a big rig traveling at highway speed.
                And me being a tractor trailer and tanker driver, I have strong feelings about sucky driving and have no problems voicing this to cops either. Why? Who the hell are they? They aren't above the law and I'm not violating the law by speaking out against them either.


                • #9
                  Quoth Mental_Mouse View Post
                  Here in C-ville, VA we had a cop run over a guy in a wheelchair, then arrest the guy. it turned out the cop had been texting on his cell phone.
                  Gotta love it. I make it a point to honk at any cop who I see on his cell phone while driving.

