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Not a customer, but a call-center rep...

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  • #16
    I'm surprised that they would make a phone call for a bill only three days past due!

    Until I took over that particular chore, my husband used to take care of paying the bills. He's really forgetful and unorganized, so he was constantly late, sometimes as much as a week or two. And I don't think we ever got a phone call from anyone. Certainly not our credit card companies, as they would have been excited at the prospect of us paying all the late fees and interest. Which is why my husband is no longer in charge of the bills.

    I'm also surprised that the rep didn't seem to grasp the concept of marriage. What's his is yours and what's yours is his. It's fairly rare for a husband and wife to keep their finances separate.

    I'd advise anyone who knows that they're going to be a few days late on a bill to call the company first and make arrangements, before they call you. They're more trusting and willing to work with you when you take the initiative.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #17
      I have to get you to my supervisor...
      Damn right, you're getting your supervisor!!!!

      As Becks said, you get harrassed like that, you demand to speak to the supervisor... and then you wriite your complaint in later (on paper... it's too easy to lose an email...or have it ignored.. unless you want to spam them til you get a response).

      I don't know you're laws over there, but over here, I'm pretty sure the Privacy Act would means that I could request a copy of the recording, as well as a transcript... and also all notes made in relation to my 'file'.. which means whatever they've typed up as part of the call!!!

      That'd certainly be one occasion I'd go off madly at such a glorified telemarketer...

      When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

