Quoth Setsunaela
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Brings to mind one day, though. It was a couple years ago, New Years Eve. Our store was closing early ("why are you closing early?" "Because we wanna go home and get drunk, too.") and I was manning the FDLP spot. It's now past closing time, so I'm pretty much just checking out the people leaving and turning away walk-ups.
Guy: *walks up*
J2K: Sorry, sir, we're closed.
Guy: I just need to buy some booze.
J2K: I understand, but we closed ten minutes ago.
Guy: Aw, man. You know any place where I can get some liquor?
J2K: Not here. You can't buy liquor anyplace but the ABC stores.
Guy: A what? Sorry, man, I'm not from around here.
J2K: Well, there's an ABC store down at the other end of the shopping center--
Guy: Great! *starts to walk off*
J2K: But it won't do you any good.
Guy: What? Why not?
J2K: They're closed on Sunday.
Guy: WHAT?! Where'm I supposed to get liquor?
J2K: Nowhere. Not on a Sunday, and not before, I'm guessing, your party.
Guy: Aw, man.
He walks off, thoroughly dejected, and I'm just shrugging and going back to my job. Next time, plan ahead more thoroughly.