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  •'re stupid?

    I work for The green coffee monster.

    As those of you who frequent our establishments will know, we have just rolled out a new rewards card that gives you ten percent off on all drinks and stuff and can be used as a store credit card. The gold card. like I didn't have enough shit to deal with with the registered cards...thanks. you pay me 25 dollars and its good for a year. I tell you this because of a phone call I had today.

    The phone rings at about 8pm and I pick up and and ask how can I help you?

    odd woman:Hi Animae, I have done something so stupid!

    Me: ummm, well how can I help you? what did you do?

    ow: well I bought one of your gold cards and I went to resister it online(smart woman! Oh but I was wrong), But my wallet was stolen this afternoon and I then deleted the registration information because I didn't want the people to use the card! That was stupid of me wasn't it?

    Me: Well I'm sorry that your wallet was stolen, but we don't actually resister the cards in the store you have to do it online.

    at this point I'm thinking yes, you are stupid lady. especially since you think that I can do anything at all about this. I'm a peon lady. I make fancy fruu fruu drinks for dumbass ladies like you

    Ow: I know that I just don't have my card,. can you give me a number for it? that was so stupid of me to delete the information wasn't it?

    Me: well all the cards have their own number so I can't do that, I can however give you the number to the customer service line and maybe they can help you retrieve some of the information.

    Ow:Oh thank you, you know, this is the second time this week that my wallet has been stolen. That will teach me to walk around with my purse open. That was so stupid of me wasn't it? so stupid!

    Me: Well, I'm sorry, I hope the people can help you out more than I can.

    Ow: thank you, that sure was stupid of me, bye!

    I swear that woman spent ten minutes asking me to call her stupid. Pirate Faeries!!

  • #2

    and calling "The green coffee monster" is not the first thing she should do. The first thing she should do is contact the "big three" credit agencies and put a freeze on her credit and get new cards issued too.


    • #3
      my other concern is why didn't she take more precautions after the first theft of wallet?


      • #4
        Quoth LexiaFira View Post
        my other concern is why didn't she take more precautions after the first theft of wallet?
        Because ...she's....stupid?

        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


        • #5
          Quoth Animae View Post

          Ow: thank you, that sure was stupid of me, bye!

          me- well ma'am, I would argue the point, but I think that I could not win that argument

          though seriously.. had her wallet stolen twice... the same way both times... you know first time I'd feel sorry for her, second time she's just plain stupid.
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            Good thing you didn't actually say she was stupid. For all we know, she was hoping to have you agree with you so she could call corporate and not only get a new card for free, but maybe get a bunch of freebies because an employee called her stupid.

            I mean, you really never know.


            • #7
              It would have been OK to call her stupid. The customer is always right!
              "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


              • #8
                Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                Because ...she's....stupid?

                nah, that was an obvious answer question. no worries I can't throw anyways


                • #9
                  Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                  though seriously.. had her wallet stolen twice... the same way both times... you know first time I'd feel sorry for her, second time she's just plain stupid.
                  It is beyond "plain" stupid...
                  Quoth Odd Woman
                  ...this is the second time this week that my wallet has been stolen.
                  Her wallet was just stolen in the same manner twice... it was stolen in the same manner twice in the same week!

                  I might be inclined to call her "plain" stupid if the incidents were months or years apart... but only a few mere days?
                  C'mon, that isn't "plain" stupid... that is super-duper-titanic-ginormously stupid.
                  It takes a special breed of idiot to be that stupid.
                  "It's not easy being evil in a world that's gone to Hell" ~ Anton LaVey


                  • #10
                    My brain has an owie boo-boo from reading that. Owie.

                    I'd call her retarded, but mentally handicapped people generally don't get their wallets stolen twice in a week or walk around with purses or fanny packs left open.

                    So I guess she was just a special kind of stupid. Real special.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      A. I don't own a purse that cannot be zipped shut, and I keep it that way!

                      B. My wallet does not look like a wallet. I keep things separated into colored pouches. You'd have to know which pouch to grab, out of several, and I keep *that* pouch at the bottom.
                      Last edited by Primer; 12-08-2008, 09:33 PM.
                      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                      • #12
                        What astonished me about this was the fact that she deleted her registration.

                        I mean the whole *point* of registering is so that, if you card [or software, I'm just saying ] is lost or stolen, they can look it up using your contact information and perhaps replace it for you.
                        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                        The stupid is strong with this one.


                        • #13
                          Oh FFS, you try and try to make people safe, and prevent them from becoming a victim of crime then they pull shit on you like that.

                          Stupid is as Stupid does I suppose.
                          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                          • #14
                            I means she was perfectly sweet about it, but just wow. I deal with some stupid on a daily basis, but she was special.
                   Pirate Faeries!!

