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Right where you were.

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  • Right where you were.

    This happened a few days ago. Lady buys some frozen food, and goes to the microwave to heat it up. She asks if we have any plastic forks.

    ME: Yeah, right in front of the microwave. (They are in a tray, attached to the microwave door).

    SC: *she wanders to the coffee area* "Where??"

    ME: ? Right in front of the microwave!

    SC: *Still standing in front of the coffee* "Where???? I can't see them!"


    SC: OH!!! *Wanders to the microwave area, and turns around* "There's only 2-liters here!"

    ME: *Thinking oh for the love of..... Goes to the microwave, and points to them*

    SC: *eyes light up* OOOOOOOOOOH! I didn't see them...! Thank you!

    ME: *Cries* No problem ma'am..."
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    "Where's the pharmacy?"

    Right down there, ma'am, past the registers. *I gesture*.

    "WHERE?" *the customer looks in the opposite direction.

    No, there. *I Point again*

    "OH OK, THANKS DEAR" *Wanders in a completely different direction.

    And also, how everyday, at least one person will go in the wrong door for the bathroom. Even though the restroom door is LABELED.


    • #3
      Quoth malmalthekiller View Post
      And also, how everyday, at least one person will go in the wrong door for the bathroom. Even though the restroom door is LABELED.
      We get that sometimes at my store, but in their defense, the sign on the Women's restroom has some kind of water stain or something on it, so it's difficult to read, unless you lean close and squint at it.

      So there are many times when I'm at the express register (right next to the restrooms) and I'll see a woman looking confused at the Men's room door. "Last door on your right, ma'am."

      There was one time I went into the Men's room and found a woman TRYING ON CLOTHES in the restroom.

      J2K: "Ma'am?"
      W: *turns, looks surprised*
      J2K: "This is the Men's room."
      W: "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
      J2K: "Also, you're not allowed to try clothes on in the restrooms."
      W: "...but--"
      J2K: "We allow you to return or exchange them if they don't fit when you get them home."
      W: "Oh. Thank you!" *scurries off*
      J2K: ~why me?~
      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


      • #4
        Quoth malmalthekiller View Post
        And also, how everyday, at least one person will go in the wrong door for the bathroom. Even though the restroom door is LABELED.
        A vast majority of the places I go regularly (pun intended) will have the women's room on the right. Imagine my dismay to find myself looking at a urinal one morning. At least nobody else was in there, and I beat a hasty retreat!

        I really do try to read signs, but sometimes my synapses just refuse to fire, especially in the morning!
        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


        • #5
          Quoth Primer View Post
          A vast majority of the places I go regularly (pun intended) will have the women's room on the right. Imagine my dismay to find myself looking at a urinal one morning. At least nobody else was in there, and I beat a hasty retreat!

          I really do try to read signs, but sometimes my synapses just refuse to fire, especially in the morning!
          That's nothing. At the local WalMart, they had the restrooms of male left, woman right for years and years.

          One fine day i really had to go so I go in to the restroom, the same route I've always done for years.

          ME: ....??? Where are all the uninals???" I recalled thinking. Blink. Blink. "SHIT!!!" I yelled and ran out. Looked. No-one saw me red faced and embrassed.

          For some damnable reason they SWITCH THE RESTROOMS!!
          Military Spouse Support.

          Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


          • #6
            Quoth Primer View Post
            A vast majority of the places I go regularly (pun intended) will have the women's room on the right. Imagine my dismay to find myself looking at a urinal one morning. At least nobody else was in there, and I beat a hasty retreat!

            I really do try to read signs, but sometimes my synapses just refuse to fire, especially in the morning!
            That happened me me at Kroger!! Wandered in, headed for restrooms, entered door on the right...and had a male employee staring at me in shock as he buttoned up his overshirt.

            I beat a hasty retreat, and think my face stayed red the entire shopping trip...


            • #7
              I took a wrong turn at the mall one time and ended up wandering into the womens room.

              I left after noticing there were only toilets in there. There was also a woman in there washing her hands, and she didn't bat an eye at me.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth Primer View Post
                A vast majority of the places I go regularly (pun intended) will have the women's room on the right. Imagine my dismay to find myself looking at a urinal one morning. At least nobody else was in there, and I beat a hasty retreat!
                A local grocery story (pre-remodel) also had the 'backwards' set up - i.e. men on the right, women on the left. I was having a sneezing fit, and had forgotten my glasses (I'm like a bat without them) and stumbled into what I thought was the men's room to wait out the fit and blow my nose, etc. I finally get cleaned up when I realize there are no urinals and think 'How odd, a men's room without urinals' just as a woman and her daughter (like 6 - 7 years old) come in. There was a bit of shrieking and mucho red face on my part.
                Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-04-2008, 03:06 AM. Reason: fixed quote


                • #9
                  I faced a set of "reversed" restrooms at a small movie theater and wandered into the women's room. It was a tiny, one toilet one sink set-up so I didn't think the lack of a urinal was strange. I did find the Pepto-Bismol-colored pink paint on the walls to be a strange choice, though. It dawned on me just as I was leaving, but fortunately nobody noticed.


                  • #10
                    I did once work in an office that was small enough to have single-room WCs marked "Mies" and "Naiset". Given the heavily skewed gender ratio in that office - the only women were the accountant and the office manager - the labels were largely ignored.


                    • #11
                      Quoth malmalthekiller View Post
                      "Where's the pharmacy?"

                      Right down there, ma'am, past the registers. *I gesture*.

                      "WHERE?" *the customer looks in the opposite direction.

                      No, there. *I Point again*

                      "OH OK, THANKS DEAR" *Wanders in a completely different direction.
                      Had some woman asking, at the Pharmacy where the plants were (yeah, in December). We all direct he towards the Garden Center, which is to our right. Where does she go? Left!

                      Or the one poor soul that somehow managed to completely miss the whole grocery section, which is fully one half of the store.
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #12
                        Quoth malmalthekiller View Post
                        "Where's the pharmacy?"
                        This question sums up my entire work life.
                        And my store if one of the few ..'s that doesn't have a pharmacy.

                        Have you ever seriously given a customer obscenely wrong directions and they eat it up? Oh the fun..
                        "But the pharmacy was here this morning...!"


                        • #13
                          I was out at a bar with some of my friends just a couple months ago, celebrating my one friend's birthday. Toward the end of the night, I was slightly buzzed and we were all just standing around BSing, and eventually I had to use the bathroom. I took a couple steps back, not really paying attention, reached back, and started to push on the door. Then one of the people in the group called me.


                          "Hold on."


                          "Hold on, I gotta piss!"

                          "Mike! Turn around!"

                          So I turned around, and saw that the door I was starting to push in on was the door to the ladies' room. I don't know how I even made that mistake, I had been to that particular bar several times before. They didn't let me live that one down for awhile.
                          Sometimes life is altered.
                          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                          Uneasy with confrontation.
                          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                          • #14
                            A classic from Top Gear:

                            James May has, reputedly, pretty much zero sense of direction. This causes hilarity on a regular basis.

                            At this point, the three presenters are attempting to resurface a road. James, for no apparent reason, has been assigned the vital task of setting up the diversions.

                            He now explains his plan to the camera. He's going to direct the traffic through <village>, which is (he points past the camera) that way.

                            Then he turns around and sees the sign for <village> that has been visible to the camera all along... pointing in the exact opposite direction.

                            This confuses him, and he returns to his map.

                            Later, a diversion sign is shown directing traffic into a supermarket car park. The resulting chaos should be easy to imagine.

