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If his head wasn't screwed on tight...

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  • If his head wasn't screwed on tight...

    This ia a conversation a patron had on his cell phone: Seems his bag was stolen at a rail station.

    Idiot: Hi, I’m calling about a stolen bag. My name is x. I got off the train at x station and I had to go to church and I saw a guy at the station and I nicely asked if he would watch my bag and he said yes. I came back and he was gone. That bag had all my important papers. Check the survalience tapes. I live at the Salvation Army and I work at x. The bag had 3 dress shirts, $100 worth, boxer shorts from Wal-mart worth…Last week my id was stolen, I reported it to HPD. This bag had my h.s. diploma....

    Of course, there were pauses as the officer taking his info. asked him questions. But still I had to go to church and I saw a guy at the station and I nicely asked if he would watch my bag and he said yes. I remember him distinctly saying "I asked nicely." Oh, yeah, that will stop a thief But still, who leaves their bags with strangers? And in this guys' case it seems it was only one bag. What church won't let him walk in with a bag? Heck, I didn't have any trouble going into a church in Jerusalem or Rome or London (where the custodians probably don't want a chance of people doing damage to the churches) going in with a bag.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    "I got off the train at x station and I had to go to church and I saw a guy at the station and I nicely asked if he would watch my bag and he said yes."


    Why would you need to leave a bag at a subway station to go to church?

    This guy is mental.

