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I Don't Think You Get It, Sir

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  • I Don't Think You Get It, Sir

    Stopped by a local donut shop yesterday near my school to get a hot coffee, warm up, and visit a friend. While we were there this man came to the counter wanting some donuts. Except...

    M: Man
    F: My friend

    M: Do you have any day-old donuts?
    F: Yes, we do.
    M: Are they fresh?

    I break rule #1 off in the corner (which really hurts when it's hot coffee), and my friend manages to at least hold her snickers in.

    F: Well, sir...
    M: Did I say what I think I said?
    F: Sorry, but you did, sir...
    M: Might as well add in a large coffee too....

    He was on his way home and had a good commute ahead of him...poor guy.

    I was going to post this in Sightings, as I witnessed it rather than had it happen, but I didn't think this was sucky enough. This was just a big, brain burp.

  • #2
    At least he realized his error. If she had to explain it to him, well...


    • #3
      Sounds like something I'd do when I'm either a) tired or b) nearing the end of a VERY long day.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        My roomate and I were in Walmart looking for a little gate to keep our ferret in the hallway. I wanted to smack myself after asking this question. (note its like 1am)

        WW (walmart worker): Can I help you?
        Me: Yeah, we're looking for those baby gate things...
        WW: In the infant department.
        me: DOH.

        I felt so stupid! Of course a baby gate would be in the baby department. LOL As soon as the words left my mouth, my foot dove upward and wanted to fill the space.

