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common stupid questions

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  • common stupid questions

    I think some of these I've posted in other threads, but I've decided to put into one post all my favorite stupid questions I've been getting recently.

    1. Why do I have to turn off of North Temple onto North Temple?
    Because one of them is a frontage road... I know, no one in Salt Lake can agree which one is the frontage to which... but it's really not that complicated.

    2. I have to take the stairs, where's the elevators?
    Yes, you have to take the stairs... if you could take an elevator I would have included an elevator in my directions I gave you... no it's not a law that all multistory businesses have elevators, just that our services be available to those who cannot use stairs... which is what the ground floor is for.

    3. Why when I dial local numbers do I get a message saying you must dial the full 10 digit number for local calls?
    Umm.... because you need to dial the 10 digit number for local calls... seriously, I wish there was a more elaborate explanation, but there isn't.

    4. It says here that the shuttle runs every half hour on the hour and the half... can I schedule a shuttle at 8:15?
    Umm, I think you answered your own question... no, you can't.

    5. Is that breakfast for guests?
    No, it's for employees only, guests may feel free to dig through the trash for our leftovers... morons.

    6. What do those signs on the doors that say "Greyhound Driver, N/S, DND, no knocking" mean?
    Hmm, if you don't know what it means already then it doesn't matter to you... though I would advice you follow that piece of advice at the end, they do get cranky when people start knocking on their door... and when greyhound drivers get cranky the owners get angry... and trust me, you do NOT want to deal with them angry.
    And for the record, it means Greyhound Driver, No Service, Do Not Disturb, no knocking... or simply, you wake up a driver who pulled a red eye and you die.

    7. How can you stand being up all night?
    Simple, I sleep during the afternoon. Would I rather have a daytime job? Oh hell yes, in retrospect I would kill to have my call center job back... I hate being a hermit living in a city of 2.1 million, I hate having to sleep when all the people who used to be friends are out having a good time, I hate spending at least half of my 8 hour shift with absolutely no human contact... so I guess the real answer to your question is that I can't stand it.

    8. Why is there nothing open close by?
    Because the Salt Lake Airport is in the middle of nowhere... or did you not notice that on your way in.

    I'm sure I can add more... but those are the most frequent one's I've been getting recently.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    (I perfer overnight jobs, but then again i am a night person anyway)

    1. after asking for their account number: 'oh did you need my account number?'

    2. after asking what I can do to help them: 'So this is where I should tell you whats wrong right?'

    Thats my short list... for now.
    Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
    pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


    • #3
      Oh, I prefer night shift to the alternative, which is adding another year of college, because practically every afternoon/evening shift I would be able to find wouldn't allow me to do homework on the clock.
      And tigerlily, that's exactly why we have the 10 digit dialing also...
      And a suggestion for the whole when to eat what thing... don't even worry about what time of day it is... eat whatever it is you have a hankering for... I've before had breakfast food at odd hours of the day, same with lunch and dinner foods... and Jack in the Box would be the best restaurant ever if Mr. Box would get off his lazy ass and open some in Salt Lake.
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Quoth tigerlily0
        Where I live, you also have to dial the full 10-digit number for local calls, but there actually is an explanation for that. We have two different area codes overlaying the same geographic area, so you have to dial one or the other.
        Houston has like 3. And that's not including the areas outside of Houston's city limits (like where I live). At my store we have customers that come from 5 separate area codes, and they wonder why I need the area code when I ask for their phone number...

        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        7. How can you stand being up all night?
        Simple, I sleep during the afternoon. Would I rather have a daytime job? Oh hell yes, in retrospect I would kill to have my call center job back... I hate being a hermit living in a city of 2.1 million, I hate having to sleep when all the people who used to be friends are out having a good time, I hate spending at least half of my 8 hour shift with absolutely no human contact... so I guess the real answer to your question is that I can't stand it.
        That happens to me too, I do evening and graveyard. I never get to do mornings, (okay maybe I do sometimes) even though I'm always available. But when people say "how can you stay up all night" I just give them this look. Um I sleep during the day? I mean it's not that hard.

        Now having a schedule where one day your doing graveyard then you switch to a morning shift then an evening. Now that's hard. I have no regular sleep schedule to speak of anymore. I just sleep when I'm tired and I'm off. It's less fun than doin graveyards...
        Last edited by SG15Z; 03-23-2009, 11:25 PM.


        • #5
          As for the how can I be up all night question, I have found what seems to be a suitable answer: "Someone's gotta do it, might as well be someone like myself who can, right? *smile*"

          It's kinda like...someone has to be a funeral director or a mortician. We all have our chosen roles in society, so let's run with it.
          When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

