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Obvious Answers...

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  • Obvious Answers...

    I don't get it. It's like some of these people are doing it on purpose. Working in retail has caused me to lose faith in doctors, cops, electricians, chefs... meh. I have one lady, who is a doctor, who comes into the video store and asks the same exact questions each time, and can never find anything on her own, even though the store doesn't change it's style of organization ( alphabet ). Forgive me... if you're a doctor, shouldn't you know basic patterns and your alphabet? It bothers me alot. BUT the best are the questions with obvious answers. Have you guys gotten those? ( If there is a thread on this already, I appologize. )

    For example:
    "When is my 3 day rental due back?" ( asked exactly like that )
    ... Uhm... in 3 days.

    "Where can i find funny/scary/action packed movies?" ( Yep )
    ... Comedy/Horror/Action. o_o

    "I'm looking for this action movie, where this guy is an ex-government agent, and his family is kidnapped and he has to save them. I don't remember who's in it, or what it's called. Do you know what it is?" ( No joke. I swear. We still make fun of him to this day )
    ... Seriously? You just described 3/4ths of the action section.

    "Is tape sticky?" ( this one's not mine, but a hilarious one from a postal worker )
    ... You suck at life.

  • #2
    It's like when they cross over from the outside to to the inside of the store they suddenly become clueless.


    • #3
      Quoth TheDarkness View Post
      "Is tape sticky?"
      "Only about half the time. The other half, you're holding it upside down."
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        "I'm looking for this action movie, where this guy is an ex-government agent, and his family is kidnapped and he has to save them. I don't remember who's in it, or what it's called. Do you know what it is?" ( No joke. I swear. We still make fun of him to this day )
        ... Seriously? You just described 3/4ths of the action section.
        This one popped to my mind.. Maybe because I don't watch that much action.


        • #5
          Quoth Juwl View Post
          "Only about half the time. The other half, you're holding it upside down."
          Unless it's double-stick.
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #6
            Yeah I get these all the time.

            "Which ones the Enter button?"
            Um the big green one that says "Enter"

            "How much is one <item>? The tag says 10 for $10."
   they're a $1 each....

            "I thought that was 2.99!"
            ....It is, that's what it rung up as...

            There's so much more, but I'm blanking out right now.


            • #7
              Quoth SG15Z View Post
              Yeah I get these all the time.

              "Which ones the Enter button?"
              Um the big green one that says "Enter"

              "How much is one <item>? The tag says 10 for $10."
     they're a $1 each....

              "I thought that was 2.99!"
              ....It is, that's what it rung up as...

              There's so much more, but I'm blanking out right now.
              I love it when something is on sale, and it rings up on sale, but they misread the screen or they read it properly but are too stupid to figure it out.

              "... Why do I have a 2 dollar credit?"

              "I thought these were 2 for $5? Why are they comming up as $2.50?"

              etc. etc.


              • #8
                Quoth Pagan View Post
                Unless it's double-stick.
                Or the crime scene stuff.
                ludo ergo sum


                • #9
                  How about standing in the middle of the music section, surrounded by CDs, and someone asking me if we....sell....CDs. (And they didn't mean Certificates of Deposit.)

                  Or the one that stopped in front of the pharmacy and asked if our store had groceries....which happens to take up one whole side of the damn store. Not to mention the big ass sign on the outside of the store. How she missed it, I still haven't figured out.
                  It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                  • #10
                    Quoth SG15Z View Post
                    "How much is one <item>? The tag says 10 for $10."
           they're a $1 each....
                    Not an unreasonable question at all. Frequently stores offer quantity discounts, which is what that tag implies is in play here.
                    Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                    • #11
                      I may have posted this before, but, it fits.

                      A friend of mine, was working at Blockbuster, and a guy came up and asked, "Where are your New Releases?"

                      My friend told him, "All along the outer wall."

                      To which the customer replied, "And where is the 'outer wall' located?"


                      • #12
                        Quoth hecubus View Post
                        "And where is the 'outer wall' located?"
                        *blink, blink* "See that door there? Use it and go clockwise around the store. Then come in through that door over there, and go counterclockwise around the perimeter for the store."
                        "I call murder on that!"

