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Wrong shoes...

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  • Wrong shoes...

    So the other night I was out with some friends celebrating a friends bday. We went out bowling and I totally beat bday boy 97 to 96! (I know not great but I won, that's all that matters ). So then me and two others need to head home for various reasons. Me and B (My Best Friend) walk outside and start heading to my car...

    B: Oh crud.
    Me: What?
    B: We're still wearing the bowling shoes.

    That's right we were still wearing the bowling alley's rental shoes and had left our shoes inside. We of course went back inside and our friends are laughing saying "We were wondering when y'all would come back".

    Oh well, at least we had a good laugh about it.

  • #2
    That reminds me of my own little shoe brain burp from a couple weeks back.

    I was at work for at least an hour before someone says to me:
    "Hey, are you wearing 2 different shoes?"

    I look down, and sure enough, one black one, one brown one. Different styles, too.
    In my defense, it was kinda dark in the hallway where I keep my shoes.


    • #3
      Quoth SG15Z View Post
      B: Oh crud.
      Me: What?
      B: We're still wearing the bowling shoes.
      That happened to me once. My bowling shoes are white and looked a lot like the tennis shoes I had worn to the bowling alley that night. I didn't realize I was still in my bowling shoes till I nearly fell and broke my face on the parking lot outside the bowling alley.
      Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


      • #4
        Quoth ReadyToRetire View Post
        That reminds me of my own little shoe brain burp from a couple weeks back.

        I was at work for at least an hour before someone says to me:
        "Hey, are you wearing 2 different shoes?"

        I look down, and sure enough, one black one, one brown one. Different styles, too.
        In my defense, it was kinda dark in the hallway where I keep my shoes.
        I did that once and it was in a very embarrassing situation.

        Like many others, I tend to kick off shoes while working at my computer desk at home. After a session, I was going out to buy shoes and slipped my feet into what felt like a pair.


        When I got to the shoe store, I found I was wearing one brown suede shoe and one black leather shoe. Thank the deity that it was a self-serve place. On the way out, I put on my new shoes and stuffed the mismatched pair into the bag.
        Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.


        • #5
          Grommit! It's the wrong trousers! And they've gone wroooong!
          I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

          "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


          • #6
            Damn it Bliss! You just had to change your avatar! I just got use to the old one, this one is just...wrong. >_<

            Now I can't get that image out of my head! Damn you Bliss!


            • #7
              Bliss.. your avatar makes my brain hurt.......

