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I do NOT look like her!

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  • I do NOT look like her!

    (names are changed)

    I DO NOT look like Anne! I am Tia, not Anne!\

    Tons of guests seem to think I am the same girl from 2nd shift. They tell me we look a like. The chance of us having any relation close to 10th generation out are slim! I have red hair, she has dusty blonde! The only thing we have in common is our age! Had a lady claim I was Anne & that in the middle of the night I dyed my hair! She walked away after I told her I was indeed Tia, a different person, with the ever famous cat-butt face of *you are a liar, and I don't believe you!* I have been called Anne, and sometimes I try to correct people but then just give up. I almost want to make a new name tag with "Anne" on it & do evil shit & everyone will think it was her. LOL I would never! But the idea is ever so tempting.

    Night before last night:
    Guests in from a bar, which one I have no idea (yes, the lady yelled this and I was 5 feet away maybe): THAT BAR YOU SEND US TO WAS GREAT! THANK YOU!

    Me: I'm sorry????

    Guest: Yeah, we really enjoyed it.

    Me: I have no idea what you are speaking of, I (walk off)....just got on shift...nevermind...

    I had never seen these people....nor had I sent anyone to any bars 10 minutes into my shift. Damn people....

    Anne is, by chance, getting married & moving away. She is moving to another Montana town & working at their (same hotel name, same owners). I was looking forward to not being called her name etc, but now I might have some cat-butt face lady who seems to think I moved to here and/or I am the same person! Oh what fun....

    The irony here? People exepct me to remember all of their faces, including the ones only Anne has met/checked-in, but they have no idea I am NOT Anne.

    She does, however, have people assume I am her as well. So, she gets Tia. Name change time? oi....
    Last edited by thehippie777; 06-04-2009, 11:08 AM.
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

  • #2
    my coworker and i DO look alike and we even someone dress alike (often) unintentionally.

    peopel assume we're related or twins even! its kinda funny for us though


    • #3
      That sort of thing used to happen all the time to two of the guys whom I used to work with at the library - "Ivan" and "Peter" don't look alike at all, but they were frequently mistaken for being siblings, if not each other. Funny thing is that they both transferred to a different library in the system a few years ago, and apparently the same thing happens over there.


      • #4
        I worked with a woman from Russia. Our only similarity was pale skin and black hair; hers long, mine short. She a petite, fine-boned thing, me....a large robust specimen. Yet, people always thought we were sisters. And their reasoning for this was that we both had black hair. Gosh, the chances of two people at the same job having the same color hair? Just staggering!!
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          Quoth LillFilly View Post
          I worked with a woman from Russia. Our only similarity was pale skin and black hair; hers long, mine short. She a petite, fine-boned thing, me....a large robust specimen. Yet, people always thought we were sisters. And their reasoning for this was that we both had black hair. Gosh, the chances of two people at the same job having the same color hair? Just staggering!!
          Well, to play devil's advocate, brown hair is pretty common, but black? Nowhere I've lived.
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            Ugh. One of my jobs, myself and the other manager not only looked very similar (close in height, hair color, eye color, build) but we also had the same first name.

            I can't begin to tell you the issues *that* caused.
            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

