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Breakfasting on autopilot

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  • Breakfasting on autopilot

    Amina4516's story Here has reminded me of an infamous morning at work a few years ago that i am still reminded of every week.

    As we start work early (5:30am) I get a breakfast break after we have got all the deliveries out. Normally this is about 8am for 30 minutes and i am paid throughout it so i can't go home. In the office we have a microwave, toaster, kettle etc etc. I normally try to have something like toast or scrambled eggs and then a light lunch.

    This paticular morning i was rather tired. i believe I'd been to a Meat Loaf concert the night before, got in at about 1am and was at work less than five hours later. By breakfast i was struggling to stay awake but was leaving for home mid morning anyway.

    I had decided to have toasted crumpets with a big mug of tea and got on with making it.

    My boss walked in to find me sat with a very puzzled look on my face. In front of me was a toaster emitting lots of smoke from a well toasted tea bag and next to that was a mug containing milk, sugar, boiling water and a raw crumpet!
    Good customers are as rare as Latinum. Treasure them. ~ The 57th Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition.

  • #2
    Oh, I'm so glad I hadn't been drinking my diet coke when I read this.


    • #3
      LMAO!! OMG!

      That was hilarious. How tired were you again?


      • #4

        Dadgummit...There goes my ice water...

        That's AWESOME!
        "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

        My pony dolls:


        • #5
          Never quite been that bad but were sleepy.


          • #6
            I've never been quite that bad Except for the one morning. I was making coffee and cereal. Instead of putting the coffee in the MUG, I put it in the bowl - with my cereal.
            The report button - not just for decoration


            • #7
              That reminds me of a good story about being on autopilot.

              For most of my late teens/early 20s I worked as a cook, almost always on evenings/closing.

              One day, I show up for my shift at 4pm, and Tammy, the opening cook, was there.

              She asks me "What are you doing here?

              "I'm here to work my shift." I reply.

              We stare at each other in confusion for a moment.

              "I thought I was wroking your shift" she said.

              Awkward pause.

              "Why?" I queried.

              "Because I called you at 4am and told you I couldn't make it in today. You came in at 5am and did the opening shift." Tammy explained.

              "......That really happened?"

              Apparantly I'd worked a 6 hour shift, went home, went back to bed, and forgot all about it when I work up at my usual time around 2pm.
              Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

              "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


              • #8
                *snerks* Wow...forgotten shift syndrome. Now I HAVE done that before when I still worked at a grocery store.


                • #9
                  boss can't say you're lazy...


                  • #10
                    I remember getting up early one morning when I was in High School, made myself a bowl of cereal, and tasted iced tea when I ate my first spoonful of Raisin Bran. Sure enough, I grabbed the pitcher of tea in the fridge rather than the gallon of milk.

                    Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                    • #11
                      Oooh. Good ones.

                      I poured orange juice on my cereal once. Ate it anyway. Had a relative who always had her bran flakes with black coffee, not milk. Swore it was more nutritionally balanced
                      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                      • #12
                        Have a few stories of half awake shenanigans.

                        There has been more than one occasion where I've woken up, had full conversations with someone nearby, and when I actually wake up, have no recollections of it at all.

                        But at work, when I'm tired, I've discovered that my mind-to-mouth filter doesn't work properly at all. Several times I've snapped to attention in the middle of singing a song about whatever groceries I happen to bagging at that moment in time.

                        And it also leads to me saying things to customers like:
                        "It's a fruit... Shaped like a star" when asked what a starfruit was.
                        "The one that says 'done'" when asked which button on the card terminal is done.
                        I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

                        After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...


                        • #13
                          Heh. Oh man, I can't tell you how many phone conversations I've had where apparantly I'm completely coherent and rational, but later have absolutely no memory of at all. I now sleep with the ringer turned off.
                          Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                          "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

