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At The Doctor's Office

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  • At The Doctor's Office

    I visited the doctor’s office today. While I was waiting, I overheard a conversation between the doctor and the receptionist. They were looking in a blue folder for a new patient’s birth date. A blue folder is used for children. The birth date they found was 08/15/1904. Apparently whoever set the folder found the birth date written somewhere as 08/15/04, and thought it was 2004.

    After the doctor filled me in on the brain burp above, she told a story she had heard. A Mr. Jones called his doctor’s office because his wife was having stomach trouble. He described all the symptoms, but none of the advice given provided relief. Finally they told him to take his wife to the emergency room. When the ER called the doctor back they said she had appendicitis, and they did an appendectomy. The doctor said that was impossible because Mrs. Jones had her appendix removed several years earlier. It turns out Mr. Jones had gotten divorced and remarried, but never told his doctor’s office about the change.
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

  • #2
    I had to read that a couple of first I thought the situation was that the woman had had something that wasn't an appendix removed on accident...whew, good to know it was his OTHER wife that had already had an appendix removed...

