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Scottish Geography

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  • Scottish Geography

    Some comments in another thread reminded me of this story.

    Years ago, I worked for a magazine publisher, which meant that most of my SCs were, in fact, advertisers. Most of them were cool, fortunately, and most of the people I dealt with were great.

    One day, the new rep from a company based in Massachusetts wanted to fly me to his company's main branch in London for a demonstration of a new product. I, naturally, leapt at the chance, particuarly because I'd never been to the U.K. Mark, the rep, was a recent transplant from London and had grown up in Scotland. He'd been in the U.S. about a month or so before planning this trip.

    It's worth noting at this point that while the bulk of my industry was based in California, my publisher was based in the Chicago suburbs. This is important.

    Two days before the trip, I get this phone call:
    Mark: Monkey, there seems to be a bit of a problem with the trip.
    Me: Oh? What's up?
    Mark: Well, I seem to have booked your flight out of Los Angeles.
    (For those unfamiliar with U.S. geography, Los Angeles is about 1750 miles away from the wrong direction from London.)
    Me: Yeah, that's a bit of a problem.
    Mark: Apparently, I don't know my geography very well. I seem to have gone right out of my head.

    All of this was said with Mark's charming Scottish accent. He fixed the tickets, and we had a great time in London. Still, there was a short panic moment when I thought I might have to arrange a 4 hour flight so I could take a longer flight back across the country.
    Enjoy my latest stupid quest for immortality.

  • #2
    An accent can go a loooooong way towards smoothing things over!

    In college, I worked in the media department of the university library. Great job, for the most part. But the best part was my boss: quiet, good-natured, incredibly even-tempered...and BRITISH. *swoon* None of us workers ever minded when he stopped by to chat!
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:


    • #3
      God I love the Scotish accent.

      I remeber reading a quote somewhere about Sean Connery's accent. It went something along the lines of "He can make reading the phone book sound erotic"

      But yes, it can make for some interesting miss-understandings sometimes
      "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
      "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
      "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

      -Jasper Fforde


      • #4
        i had an awesome bunch of americans in my shop - the guy was all tanned and wore cufflinks (teehee). and he loved EVERYTHING! "WOW look at this necklace thats awesome! wow its such a great shop in here! i just LOVE your scottish accent!! such a great day! GREAT day!!"

        i burst out laughing and charmed him a bit more with my scottishness. he ended up buying something and he really brightened my day! kudos to americans too!

