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sometimes he makes me laugh

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  • sometimes he makes me laugh

    OK, so my manager isn't the brightest of bulbs in the pack, but he isn't a bad person. Tonight was one of those times that M said something that just made me have to laugh... I tried not to, but I couldn't help myself.

    M- you know, it never ceases to amaze me what some employees think they can get away with.
    Me- I know, I'm the one who catches a lot of it.
    M- yeah, I've even had employees who have done inappropriate things with guests.... I even caught one dating a guest.
    Me- I heard about that employee, didn't they get fired?
    M- yeah... so be forewarned, if you're ever caught going into a lady's room and doing anything inappropriate with them, you know what will happen.
    Me- you know I'd never do anything like that... (trying not to laugh)
    M- yes, but I have concerns... your shift does have a lot of temptation.
    Me- still M, you really don't have to worry about me doing anything inappropriate with a lady guest (seriously, this is getting hard to keep a straight face)
    M- oh, I know you aren't the type to do anything like that on the clock... but I for some reason feel the need to remind everyone since discipline has been starting to be lacking recently.
    Me- yup, no worries here... I won't even consider doing anything inappropriate with the ladies (at this point I start to break... the shuttle driver who's been listening has already left the room to start laughing)
    -at this point Mr. Room 201 walks past and I make something of a show of checking him out as he walks away-
    M- wait...
    M- damnit, how did I forget about that...
    Me- like I said, no chance of me doing anything inappropriate with the ladies.
    M- fine, be that way... pretend this lecture has been about doing anything inappropriate with the gentleman.
    Me- I promise nothing
    M- you are so lucky that I already knew you weren't the type of employee to do anything like that on the clock.
    Me- I know... otherwise I wouldn't even joke like that.

    Seriously, sometimes I do have to love my manager.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    LOL, too funny ;-) I dont think i could have kept a straight face at all
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs

