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Dumbass Roundup

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  • Dumbass Roundup

    I haven't been having so many sucky customers as I have had dumb ones lately.....

    "Will this fit in my car?"

    *sigh* This might help if you told me what kind of car you had, but even then, unless it's a 1997 Civic LX 4 door, then I really couldn't tell you. One would think that you'd have a pretty good idea of what would fit in YOUR OWN VEHICLE, but obviously that's too much to ask.

    "Do you work here?"

    No, this uniform is actually a Halloween costume that I like so much I'm still wearing it well into December. Sorry.

    "Where are the pencil sharpeners?"

    Why is this such a problem? I've had at least one person per day ask me this for almost two weeks straight now. They are NEXT TO THE PENCILS!!! just walked past them....they are THERE!!

    And dont' get me started on the woman who insisted we used to sell a battery powered pencil sharpener that was the size of a pack of cards, for $5. We didn't, and I've never seen one that small.

    "Do you work here?"

    No, this is actually the latest version of a Starfleet uniform (red shirt, black sleeves, black pants & shoes). If you don't want me to phaser your ass, I suggest you go away.

    "Where are the pencils?"

    Oh ok, this is why you can't find the pencil sharpeners: you're blind.

    I'll give you a hint: you're standing right in front of them.

    "Your website says Windows 7 Family Pack is in stock and on clearance. Will you honor that?"

    No. That's an error. It's actually out of stock, and it's definitely not clearance. Windows does NOT go on clearance. It's sold at regular price until the next version comes out, whereupon Microsoft recalls any remaining copies of the previous version.

    Go ahead and keep telling me that "your website says...." until you're blue in the face. It won't change the facts.

    "No, that's for the computer!"

    There is obviously a major disconnect say you are looking for holiday stationery. My colleague directs you to it. You say you can't find it, so I walk you to it (which my colleague would have done except he was tied up with another customer at the copy center).

    You now object that we are only selling holiday stationery "for the computer" and you want something you can write on by hand.

    Last I checked, paper was still may be designed to work in a printer, but there's nothing stopping you from uncapping a pen and writing on it by hand.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    You don't happen to work in the stationary dept at the mart of wall, huh? I used to have the EXACT same issues with customers and pencils!!


    • #3
      Quoth Dave1982 View Post
      No, this is actually the latest version of a Starfleet uniform (red shirt, black sleeves, black pants & shoes).
      OMG! A Starfleet red shirt? Your life is in danger! Run away, run away!
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


      • #4
        My dumbass of the day
        Dumbass: How much wrapping paper is on this roll
        Me:25 sq ft
        D: And how many presents will this wrap?

        How the hell do I know??


        • #5
          Quoth I don't work here View Post
          And how many presents will this wrap?
          Square root of 5pi times i?
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            Quoth Dave1982 View Post
            "Will this fit in my car?"

            *sigh* This might help if you told me what kind of car you had, but even then, unless it's a 1997 Civic LX 4 door, then I really couldn't tell you. One would think that you'd have a pretty good idea of what would fit in YOUR OWN VEHICLE, but obviously that's too much to ask.

            LOL reminds me of when Hubby and I bought a large TV, got it out to the car, and no matter how we angled it and no matter how we folded the seats down it wouldn't fit in our car. We had to call our friend with a truck to come pick us up!
            Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


            • #7
              Quoth Dave1982 View Post
              I haven't been having so many sucky customers as I have had dumb ones lately.....

              "Will this fit in my car?"

              *sigh* This might help if you told me what kind of car you had, but even then, unless it's a 1997 Civic LX 4 door, then I really couldn't tell you. One would think that you'd have a pretty good idea of what would fit in YOUR OWN VEHICLE, but obviously that's too much to ask.
              I'll help you carry it to your car and I'll help you put in in your car, but do not ask me to figure out how it's going to fit. I recently had a woman ask me whether something would fit in her car and while she did tell me what kind it was it did not help me because I know jack shit about cars. She even wanted me to look at her car to see if it would fit, but I don't understand why my opinion would be more valuable than the opinion of the car's owner.

