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I can do MATH, I'm awesome!

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  • I can do MATH, I'm awesome!

    Hehe, I know I've seen threads like this before, but without remembering which and not wanting to threadjack them... thought I'd throw my own out there.

    Now, I'm not great with math in my head if it's.. say, percents or complicated things. But simple addition? Sure.

    I was helping a semi-new employee of mine count out her register drawer and set up her register's deposit bag. On the slip of paper, one of the entries needed are any refunded amounts, added up to a total. She had three slips to add up, but couldn't find a calculator. So, I proceeded to add up $aa.aa + $ + $, in my head, out loud so I could think better. It went something along the lines of "Okay, aa.aa plus that's ... this number, rounded up to dd.dd... plus that's... this, this ... rounds up to *total*. Put that down."

    She looked at me and said "WOW, you're GOOD."...

    I just laughed and shrugged. I mean.. even something slightly complicated I might have a little bit of trouble with, but simple addition? Pff. It amazes me that people can't count out change or add in their head without a computer anymore. I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to do the "Kids these days!" and "Get off of my lawn!!"
    Confirmed altoholic.

  • #2
    even dollars i might be able to do, but once the change get's added in i'm a gonner.


    • #3
      Yeah, I have horrible days sometimes too though... like today, I was entirely braindead and kept confusing myself and not remembering/getting change wrong. D'oh.
      Confirmed altoholic.


      • #4
        Quoth ShadedWings View Post
        I just laughed and shrugged. I mean.. even something slightly complicated I might have a little bit of trouble with, but simple addition? Pff. It amazes me that people can't count out change or add in their head without a computer anymore. I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to do the "Kids these days!" and "Get off of my lawn!!"
        *raises hand sheepishly* Um, that's been me over the past couple of years. I didn't trust myself & had to use a calculator to make sure I got it right. But can I say in mitigation that I've had a build-up of fluid on the brain, to the point where I was having to write notes to myself when walking from my office to my supervisors, so that I could remember what I was going to ask him? Just had an op to correct the problem, which seems to be working *crosses fingers*
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