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Technology has made me dumb...

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  • Technology has made me dumb...

    Just remembered this one while using a self checkout earlier.

    About a year ago I was using self checkout to buy various items. The total was a few quid and I put in a tenner. The coin change came out, but it was £5 off. I was confused, but shrugged it off, thinking that maybe I just put a fiver in instead.

    I left the shop and one of the employees came out after me.

    Employee: Miss, you forgot your change!
    Me: ... I did?
    Employee: Yes, weren't you on self checkout 4?
    Me: Um, maybe. I don't remember the number.
    Employee: Well, did you have the wrong change?
    Me: At first I thought I did, but I figured I'd just paid with a fiver instead.
    Employee: Ah, well, then this is yours.

    He put a fiver in my hand and went back. I stood there a few seconds, trying to understand why I had been given it... Then it dawned on me. I felt pretty stupid.
    I was reminded on the story by the self checkout today telling me to 'Please take my change. Notes are dispensed below the scanner'.
    Fujoshi and Proud

  • #2
    Notes should be dispensed under the change tray!!!
    It only makes sense to be in the same place.
    *Ring* *Ring*
    M: *Workplace Name*, Ryan speaking.
    C: Hello Peter, is Ryan there?
    M: This is Ryan.


    • #3
      yeah, but unfortunately thats not the way the machines have been designed. Mainly because they expect people to pay by card.

      First time I used one I kept searching near the coin dispenser while my brain didn't register the "notes are dispensed below the scanner" that the machine was blaring out at me, it happens to everyone the first time they get change in notes.
      "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

      CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
      Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


      • #4
        Am I the only one who figured it out, first time?

        They kinda remind me of ATMs, so I figured out where to look.

