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Fun at the Airport

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  • Fun at the Airport

    I wasn't sure where to put this, because it was really more amusing than anything. So I'll just put it here. If it's the wrong place, mods, feel free to move it elsewhere.

    So I recently went to Ohio for my cousin's graduation. My parents and I got into the airport in Denver, and we had to switch concourses. So we get to our correct area, but we've still got a good bit of time before we have to catch our next flight, so we just wait and decide to grab some food.

    Now, to give y'all an idea of the layout of the concourses at the DIA, there's three levels- The lower level has the train you take to get from one concourse to another, the middle level has the gates, and the upper level is the mezzanine (which has shops and stuff). Where the escalators are, you can see straight up to the mezzanine. Make sense to everyone? Yay.

    Ok, so as we're trying to decide where to get food (Concourse A has a really crappy food area, sadly. But they *did* have a Ben & Jerry's), I happen to glance up toward the mezzanine level. As I look up, I see these two guys probably about my age (I'm 23, just for reference), come whipping around the corner and just...vanish. Naturally, I can't help but think O........k. That was weird.

    A good...two minutes go by. Maybe not even that much. My parents and I are now trying to figure out what to order from McDonald's, and guess who appears? Those same two guys. They come flying down the escalator at breakneck speed, their backpacks bouncing around precariously. One of them looks down the long hallway of gates, and says the following: "Oh sh**! It is!"

    That was it. No further elaboration on what he was talking about. And then they disappear down the hallway. My parents and I, after those two guys had vanished again, looked at each other...and just burst out laughing. My dad, later, was cracking jokes about how we'd see those two guys again, chasing their plane down the runway.
    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)

  • #2
    I love catching little snippets of conversation out of context.

    Once, we were hiking through the local arboretum, when we hear someone cry in the distance, "Aw F#@%!"
    Hubby couldn't resist, and called back, "You could have had a V8!"
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


    • #3
      I recall one time I'm sitting at an ice cream place and I hear someone say "Oh my god the ketchup."

      This store has no ketchup, or anything even vaguely tomato-y.

      Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.

