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You need proof of age to work here!

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  • You need proof of age to work here!

    I work for a corporate training company that teaches clients to sue desktop application software. Mostly the big brands in office and graphics design.

    Since I'm actually working in IT I don't teach. I just make sure the right software is in the right room and that everything works. Sometimes it doesn't in a totally expected fashion and I get called in to a training room to fix something.

    On this occasion a woman doing a formulas and functions course had somehow unplugged the monitor power cable while adjusting it's height. She didn't realise the cable falling to the floor meant power so she bleated at the trainer instead to fix it. He didn't spot it either so enter me

    That's enough of a brain bump but when she saw me she decided small talk was the go. The following was our conversation.

    Woman: Oh, I don't know what's wrong with it. It just turned off and wouldn't turn back on!
    Me: Not a problem, were you doing anything specific when it happened?
    Woman: I was adjusting the height.
    Me: Oh, Ok well here is your problem *plugs power cable back in* should be all fixed.
    Woman: It's back on! I'm not very good with these things, it's a wonder you young people get by at all! it must be taught in school these days.
    Me: heh heh *nervous smile, I'm almost 20.* Was there anything else?
    Woman: Oh not at all. You have fun with your work experience now! *pat on the hand*
    Me: Actually I work here, but thanks!
    Woman: Work here?
    Me:Yes, I'm a full time employee.
    Woman: That's what I said dear! Work experience is real work after all!
    Me: I don't do work experience actually, I work full time.
    Woman: Oh! An apprentice?
    Trainer: *guffaws in background*
    Me:No, I finished my apprenticeship a year and a half ago. I work full time.
    Woman: Really? You look awfully young. Did you leave school early?
    Me: Well, no, I left school at eighteen.
    Woman: *comprehension dawns* I'm sorry, you look so young, I thought you were just a kid!
    Me: No worries, happens all the time.

    I left before she started up again. Not really sucky, but seemed to take a while to get it into her head that I actually do work full time!

  • #2
    As long as they pay you what you're worth, who cares how young you look.

    Oh and I figured out sue=use... I was confused at first.
    Make a list of important things to do today.
    At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
    Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


    • #3
      LMAO I wondered about that as well and it took me a second (pre-caffeine) to realize that you weren't actually training people to sue software companies.
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #4
        Hey, at least you didn't get mistaken for a stripper or something by a room full of old golf buddies doing a business presentation!

        Yeah, happened to me. Female in uniform = Stripper.
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          Quoth LillFilly View Post
          Hey, at least you didn't get mistaken for a stripper or something by a room full of old golf buddies doing a business presentation!

          Yeah, happened to me. Female in uniform = Stripper.
          OMG!!! Whatta bunch of jerks!
          Dull women have immaculate homes.

