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Worst way to apply for a job...

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  • Worst way to apply for a job...

    This is my absolute favorite story.

    I was working with my store manager and this kid walks into the store and asks for a job. My manager talks to him for a bit and gives the kid an application and the kid proceeds to walk out the door.
    Moments after stepping outside the store, he turns around and goes "wait, what's the name of this store again?"
    Granted we told him, but my manager looks at me after that and goes "that is exactly how you do not get a job."

  • #2
    ........snerk. That IS really bad!

    Here's a good one:

    My fiancee applied for H*t Topic and a bakery at the same time. She got interviews for both, and the bakery paid better. So when H*t Topic asked her why she wanted to work there, she said, "Well, I think Sp*ncer's is way better to be honest, but they aren't hiring."

    (Note to anyone who doesn't know: they're rival stores and usually located directly next to one another.)


    • #3
      That is so silly! Don't imagine a person who doesn't even know what company they applied at is going to stick around too long if they do get hired. A good one I've heard is, "Are you hiring? Can I get an application? So, what is this place anyway, like a library or something?" (it's a bookstore)
      "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


      • #4

        Back when I was a There was a certain 16 year old boy, who was not me, who started looking for a summer job. The very first place he went to was a pet store, because he had a lot of experience with animals and loved the thought of working with them.

        He goes into the store confidently. He walks up to the counter with a smile...and promptly blanks completely out.

        What he wanted to say: "Good morning! I was wondering if you had an application I could fill out."

        What came out of his mouth: "Hi, you have work out here?"

        The two ladies behind the counter look at each other. Then looked at me. Then said, "I'm afraid not, no."

        And thus was the first learning experience of his young employment career. Stay frosty.


        • #5
          They were afraid he wanted to work out in the sheets.
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.

